Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I find myself unable to come up with a catchy title to this post.  All I want to do is write about women, and complain about the way we're treated by others at times.  By others, I mean men!

In some countries women can't even go to school.  In some countries they're held accountable if they get raped, not the man.   In some countries abuse is tolerated and perhaps even condoned, to keep the woman "in her place." 

I have news for you fellows who think all the above is acceptable.  You seem to forget that if there were no women in the world, there would be no men either!   You would have no sons were it not for a woman.  You would not even exist were it not for a woman!

Keep us down, if that's your intent, but when we're all gone, you'll be alone with a bunch of other guys who cannot, will not, increase your ranks!    All the testosterone in the world will not make you a baby!

I'm not speaking for myself.  I'm speaking for all the other women, worldwide. We are necessary and needed, and not just for making babies.    Someday we will be appreciated for all we can do! 

Glad I'm not one of the wrongly oppressed, on Day 210!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Boys will be boys...


WRONG, especially when it involves the Secret Service among others. 

There has been plenty of news, other than election brouhaha, about men behaving as boys, and behaving badly.  Coach Petrino from Arkansas lost his job because he was running around with a woman who was NOT his wife.  John Edwards is going on trial because he may have used money, earmarked for his presidential bid, to set up his mistress and baby, out of wedlock, while he wife was dying of cancer. 

Although these guys may be called "pigs" by many women, they did not put national seurity at risk, or not that we know of.

The Secret Service though, could have done just that.  A team of them, along with other military personnel, while on assignment in a foreign country to do preparatory work for Obama's upcoming visit, decided to get a group of prostitutes and have a party.  The story goes that one of the girls did not get paid, or paid enough, so she squealed, and they were all exposed for their bad behavior.

I was listening to a talk show out of Oklahoma,  (narrator, guests and call letters unknown) and the narrator was concerned about potential national security leaks.  I thought that was a viable question.  One guest agreed; the other said that there are so many people involved in a presidential visit, that the possibility of a snafu is almost nil. This particular guest also said that the secret service are a testosterone-laden group, and basically boys will be boys.  Then a caller said while he was in the service overseas, it was common practice to visit brothels.  He went on to say that as long as you "didn't bring home a disease or a child" the wives didn't mind.  Oh yeah???!!!

Made me want to say "As long as we girls are at home, and our estrogen might be raging, should be just go out and 'shop' or can we find some guys and get laid also???!!"  As long as we don't bring home any diseases, or have an unplanned/unwanted pregnancy?

But regardless, these "men" were picked because they were (I assume) to be above reproach, and honest to a fault.  But if they let their testosterone take over their better judgement, what's to say they won't slip and talk about anything and everything, just for a "better experience?"

Thinking out loud with the head on my shoulders, on Day 209!