Thursday, September 19, 2013

A letter to the president...

if you knew then what you know now, would you still run for the presidency?

I wonder...were you bombarded, right after being sworn in, with all the secrets that you could never, ever reveal?  Did you think you'd ever be in a position to have to decide about going to war, or at least think of invading another country, such as Syria, after you voted against the original Iraq war?  All the misdeeds that the government has been running, perhaps without proper justification (like the NSA controversy?)  So many unbelievable mass shootings? Did you ever think it would appear that the whole country seems to view you as a pariah?  Or as some of the media would have you believe?

Its definitely not a position I would want.  Even the money isn't that good.  Although the perks are outstanding.  Great place to live.  Good food.  Virtually unlimited, paid-for travel to all parts of the world.  Meet and greet very important people from all walks of life.  Your own rock concerts in your own home!

I am amazed that your every move seems to be scrutinized far more than your predecessors, although whomever takes over after you, might even get worse treatment.  I was amazed at a friend of mine who was ranting that you went on a trip and had 50 people in your entourage.  Or maybe it was 150?  But nonetheless, did you invite all your friends and relatives, or did the secret service just think that was the appropriate amount due to your high visibility?  But he blamed you!

If I were you, I'd be counting the days until it was all over!  Of course you can't express that out loud, and possibly someone reading this would take that line out of context, and use it to say you were thinking just that!  That's the way of the world these days.  On the bright side, you do want the best for your girls, and what a life's worth of experiences they have had already.  They may be getting more out of this than you!  All the fun, none of the worries. 

I only have 135 days to go, myself, as this is my Day 230!