Tuesday, January 14, 2014

What were they thinking...? Part 2, A and B

...and less than a day later there's another story that makes you shake your head, and say to yourself "What were they thinking?"

First, A... At a recent rape trial, the judge gave explicit orders for the jurors to not discuss the trial with others, including social media.  So what happened?  One of the jurors not only posted some comments on Facebook (although they were not about the trial itself), but also tweeted (supposedly while she was in deliberation with the other jurors) about the dull trial and something to the effect that she was tired, bored, and wanted some red wine.  Huh?

Poor baby, a two day trial, which you're being paid for, and you're SO tired, and SO bored.  So bored in fact, that you neglected to listen to the judge's instructions?  I understand that there may be charges against you, including 30 days in jail, for contempt of court, especially since it was declared a mistrial.  How nice for the rape victims, to have to undergo another trial ordeal.  NOW what are you thinking?

Then we have B...What were the lawyers thinking when they said this was an appropriate juror for this trial?  Was she young, cute, supposedly savvy enough to render a just verdict?  Now everyone has to go through the whole rigamarole again.  What fun is that?  Perhaps all cell phones should be confiscated before the deliberations begin?  Or worse yet, let's sequester all future jurors to be sure they have NO access to ANY social media outlets.  Or maybe the lawyers just wanted to pad their accounts, since it was only a 2-day trial?   Maybe they'll rethink all their needs and requirements of the next jury.

More shoes dropping than a millipede has legs...on Day 235!

What were they thinking...? Part 1

The latest, unbelievable (to me) incidence in the news was that a man was shot in a movie theater for texting.  I can understand the anger at someone texting during a movie, as usually there are sounds involved which are distracting to others, and sometime an annoying light coming from a source other than the movie screen.

The anger is to be expected...BUT the man was then shot, and killed, by a retired former police officer!  What was he thinking?  The news story said he feared for his life after the shooting victim threw popcorn on him and "lunged (?)" at him.  So he drew his gun!  He must have been thinking he was in imminent danger?  The trial will comb through the facts, and the judge (and/or jury) will have the final decision as to whether his actions were justified.  Let them try to figure out what he was thinking.

Waiting for the other shoe to drop...on Day 234!