Monday, July 26, 2010


When I first heard about this, I was mad because I hate these hackers who are just out to cause havoc in someone's life, by getting their personal information and trying to profit by it.  Then I heard it was about the war in Afghanistan, etc.

Being from the Viet Nam era (I had friends who died there) any war news affects me deeply.  I have no one in this war, but I feel others' pain for lost loved ones.    The fact that we were mislead all during Viet Nam (although many of us doubted what we were hearing) is happening again. 

I was not against getting the people responsible for 911, but I was very much against the war in Iraq, and the fact that we forgot all about Afghanistan until, it seems, just last year.   All the money spent (and still being spent), the lives lost, and now the lies.  And we want the world to love us???

Andy, this has been a very disheartening Day 7!

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