I googled Andy's name yesterday, and there were quite a few commentaries about his commentaries. One Google reference even went so far as to say that this person wrote about him in her own blog, and would be thrilled if he read it and responded. She even called him a curmudgeon! I did read her blog, and she's very articulate. A former teacher. I guess my mission is not the first one, but we can hope it's the successful one.
Speaking of googling a name, when I did this to Andy, I stopped after looking at 89 references. There were supposedly more but these had the highest relevance, according to Google. If I were to google my own name, I'd probably come up with one, or perhaps two references. Well actually, I did, and there are six legitimate references. There are some other Maryann Harters, totally unrelated.
I guess this would all indicate that the more famous a person is, the more people want to know or talk about them. Or it could indicate that everyone's life is becoming more of an open book, and privacy is becoming a thing of the past.
Back to the matter at hand...if Andy is going to find this blog and read it, I'm going to have to find a way to make it jump to the top of the Google priority list. I'm not advertising this blog, as I wanted it to just be between Andy and me. If I keep this up for a solid yer, perhaps he'll find me! Or one of his "people" will. I only have 340 days to go, as this is already Day 25!
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