...the TV ads, the telemarketing-type phone calls, the lies and innuendos...
The only apolitical time, in my opinion, is between the election for president, and the day he or she gets inaugurated. As soon as the new president is in office, the fights begin to get the "other party" in power in either the house or senate. Right after that is the fight to either retain the current president, or get a new one.
National security, horrific events (e.g. a plane crash) or natural disasters are the only things that can usurp the political crap.
These days everyone has the "best" ideas on getting the economy improved, getting the war ended, getting more jobs for the jobless, helping folks with bad mortgages, but no one wants to tell just how they intend to accomplish this, lest the opposing party steal their ideas. Non-partisan my a**.
Talk about a "hugh tax increase" is just that...talk. Bush and his handlers knew what he was doing when he put those tax cuts in place, with an expiration date. They probably knew the democrats would be in power when the tax cuts expired, and to let them expire would make the dems look bad. And if the republicans were still in power, they would just keep voting the tax cuts in, and they'd look like veritable Gods to the masses. The dems are now talking about just letting the tax cuts expire on the people who make over $250,000 a year, which is about 2%? John Boehner, a republican, gets to call it a HUGE tax increase. So who's really doing what's best for the country?
I don't have the answers as of Day 50!
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