Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Elections create jobs!!!

Well, they must!  Where else are the millions of dollars going?  There must be a niche in business that caters, nay panders to politicians and their needs.  And those people must be getting rich?  If we stopped all elections, would the unemployment skyrocket?  I only have questions, no answers.  But the amount of money being spent, even at the local level, is confounding.  You can't just throw a hundred dollars into a pot, take out a newspaper ad, and hope for the best.  You must throw parties, give out t-shirts, put out yard signs, car magnets, maybe even buy billboards, and woe is me...investigate the other candidate for irregularities in his/her background, and that takes a P.I. (private investigator.)

I would be concerned if after the election everything died down for a few years, until the next election, but in this climate, which has gone on for a few years now (since Reagan perhaps?) the only lull is the month after the election, and then the parties start their name-calling for the next one, even if it's two years off.  Can't get too nasty too soon!

 So I guess the election business niche is on solid ground. 

Can't wait until after November 2nd.  My thoughts on this Day 62!


Government health care???????????

Okay, so the ads say that the government should stay out of health care and not mess with medicare.  Uh...isn't medicare something the government manages?  Am I missing something here, on Day 61???!!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Why does everyone hate Nancy Pelosi?

What an awful election year.  The slurs and slander are getting worse every day, and the biggest mantra, for a "bad" democrat seems to be " lock step with Nancy Pelosi..."    I'm not sure many of the people running for office have even MET Nancy Pelosi.  Even local politicians are linked with her.   Poor Nancy must cast a very wide net.

Of course all these junior politicians, who want to go to Washington, think they are going to change the world.  They think they're gonna fix everything that the (previous) administration screwed up.  Of course the previous administration thought the same thing.  Change takes time, and whoever is in "power" when things actually start to look promising, will be the overall winner.

If Nancy Pelosi is still in office, then she wins, but no one would acknowledge that.  If her party is out of office, then she's decidely the ogre everyone is making her out to be.   

Nancy can't win for losing on Day 59!

R.I.P. Juan Williams

What a mess...  Juan may have said something many of us may think, BUT to say it out loud on a TV show, was just wrong.  As a news reporter, he's expected, at all public appearances (such as the Bill O'Reilly Show) to be absolutely unbiased.  I'm not sure if NPR acted too hastily in firing him, but Fox sure picked him up in a hurry, so he didn't land with a thud.  I personally lost all respect for him, with his uncalled-for  comments.

I say this as I recently came home from a trip out east, with a stop in New York City.  I rode the Staten Island ferry and looking around me, I saw and heard very, very few people who spoke English, and many may have been muslim.  Was I worried?  After all this was in close, and confined quarters.   I can even recall thinking that a security mantra for being in crowds, was to watch for unusual behavior.  What IS unusual behavior?  I decided to just enjoy my vacation. 

 All I saw were people, probably mostly tourists.  We probably also had the same agenda of seeing the sights, taking pictures, enjoying the energy that is New York.  If I were to worry about seeing  a lot of people who I thought were muslims, I'd probably just stay in my small town in Missouri and hide.

Juan, time to go...Day 58!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Where is he now...

And I'm referring to Ross Perot.  Remember him?  He ran for president a few years ago?  He's a Texas billionaire?  His famous words on NAFTA were that we'd "hear a giant sucking sound as jobs went to Mexico."

NOW do you remember him?

I bring up his name and quote, because the Hershey Chocolate Company is closing one of its plants, in Hershey, PA.  Many of the on-line comments referred to the fact that some of the chocolate is now made in Mexico! 

But they're not the only ones who have fled to the South.  If you go to some of the border towns (Del Rio comes to mind) you can see the american companies on the horizon.  The executives live in the U.S  probably, and cross over each morning to run the plants, with mexican workers.   Good for the mexican workers, bad for the U.S. workers.  Especially when you can SEE where the jobs went.

So Ross, we heard you, and some of us believed you!  But not the people that make up the rules.  The people that we ELECTED!  So where are you now, on Day 57!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Obama is (not) an American...(part 2)

Oh yeah...he's not an American either! So, you disbelievers, when the president of the United States is found to be born in the US, of Mexican parents, who were illegal, what're you gonna call him or her???!!!  

It could happen, and probably will!  Not everyone can be a W.A.S.P. (white anglo-saxon protestant, for you politically challenged.)  Not everyone wants to be a W.A.S.P!   Just as many of us do not want to be Republicans!

Something (for the bigots) to REALLY think about on Day 56!

Obama is (not) a Christian...(part 1)

PUL-LEEZ...can we let this rest already?  The president of the United States shouldn't have to explain himself every time he turns around.  We didn't elect him due to his religious beliefs.  I could care less if he said he was an atheist!  I thought his "Christian" remarks, made about a week ago, should suffice, but NOOOOOO, people are still writing about what THEY perceive him to be.

SOOOOOOO, all you "real Christians" out can you bad-mouth him in good conscience?  I thought as "Christians" you were taught to love one another, regardless of race, religion, etc. etc.  Oh wait, that's in the Constitution, or the Bill of Rights, or the Declaration of independence,or something like that.  Isn't it?   But those documents were written by mortal men.

If it's in the Bible, then the Bible must be wrong, right?  But that was supposedly written by IMmortal men...

...Day 55!


Sheesh...the mud is getting deeper and slimier as the November election draws nearer.  Of course the candidates know that mudslinging puts them in a bad light, but I guess they hope their bad light is a little less bright than the opponent's bad light.

I guess if you have a slanderous ad aimed at you, the proper thing to do, these days, is fight back with an equally disgusting ad.  Let's not talk about the issues, let's talk bout how wrong/stupid/mean your apponent is.

The worst I believe I've read lately was a candidate from Florida who's comments on the Taliban, and womens' rights in Afghanistan in general, were taken totally out of context, and made him appear as though he advocated women to be subservient to their husbands, and just accept it if they were abused.


Big, big sigh on Day 54!