Well, they must! Where else are the millions of dollars going? There must be a niche in business that caters, nay panders to politicians and their needs. And those people must be getting rich? If we stopped all elections, would the unemployment skyrocket? I only have questions, no answers. But the amount of money being spent, even at the local level, is confounding. You can't just throw a hundred dollars into a pot, take out a newspaper ad, and hope for the best. You must throw parties, give out t-shirts, put out yard signs, car magnets, maybe even buy billboards, and woe is me...investigate the other candidate for irregularities in his/her background, and that takes a P.I. (private investigator.)
I would be concerned if after the election everything died down for a few years, until the next election, but in this climate, which has gone on for a few years now (since Reagan perhaps?) the only lull is the month after the election, and then the parties start their name-calling for the next one, even if it's two years off. Can't get too nasty too soon!
So I guess the election business niche is on solid ground.
Can't wait until after November 2nd. My thoughts on this Day 62!
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