Monday, January 31, 2011

Do you have running water in your house?

I mean REAL WATER FAUCETS in your house?  That you can get ***gasp*** drinking water from?  Do you actually DRINK that water???  And if not, WHY NOT???

I'm asking this because I went to the grocery store today.  Granted the weathermen are predicting a big winter storm to be here late tonight, or tomorrow morning.  This always precipitates a run on eggs, milk, bread, and BOTTLED WATER!

Now I understand that if your power goes out, you cannot flush your toilets, or wash up, etc, etc, but wouldn't it be easier and cheaper to put away a few old milk bottles, or some such other containers, with water in them, in case there is such a power outtage?

But the run on bottled water boggles the mind.   Actually the entire concept of bottled water boggles the mind.   I believe I read once, that the concept of bottled water would never take off.  Now people seem to think it's better than what's at home "on tap." 

Just a small disclaimer...that "Ozarko" water some of you so prefer, comes from the faucets in San Antonio; not some fancy clean, clear aquifer in the Ozarks.  Nope, just someone else's tap. 

You want "fancy water" with vitamins and minerals...the minerals are probably already in the water you get from your tap;  the vitamins you can get in capsule form, from the drug store, and SO much cheaper.

You're concerned about contaminants because you use well water?  How about buying a water filter that attaches to your faucet?  Works just fine, and, no waste!  Like those annoying plastic bottles you throw away, by the ton! (If I were so inclined I could come up with the mind-boggling statistics, but trust me, it's a lot.) 

Don't forget, those plastic bottles are a petroleum product, so when you complain about the price of a gallon of gas, just remember, how much "petrol" you're going through when you buy all that bottled waer!  Truly food for thought on this Day 79!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wal Mart's doing it for Sam??? Sam who???

Today Wal Mart said they stop trying to build a new facility on a battleground in Orange County,Virginia.    One spokesman quoted Sam as saying  he "... would never put a Wal Mart where it was not wanted."  Oh really?  I can believe that, but... this particular "battleground" has been in Wal Mart's sights for a couple years now!

Now Sam's been dead for quite a few years now.  Obviously much of what Wal Mart stood for, during Sam's tenure, has changed.  But this statement would indicate that Sam's good intentions, which were legendary, are only invoked when Wal Mart is trying to save face.  As time goes on, and the number of people who ever knew or heard of Sam Walton is declining, so corporate won't have to use his  extraordinary and insightful values as a reason to do what they do or don't do. 

The biggest winners are the preservationists, but the biggest  loser is the person who owned the property and wanted to sell it.  They probably wish they'd never heard of Sam.  Unfortunately they probably can't get the government, or the preservationists,  to buy it as a national landmark.   Wal Mart could buy it, and donate it as the hallowed ground it should become, but...

RIP won one and you lost one on this... Day 78!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Martin Luther were a man for all reasons!

Today is Martin Luther King Day. 

I'm white,  grew up in the North, was not raised in a racist home, and was appalled by the riots that took place during the Civil Rights movement.  In grammar school, I remember when Rosa Parks rode the bus, and did not understand what all the hoopla was about.  I was mortified when I heard about the "kids" that were killed trying to bring segregation to the South.  I couldn't believe they wouldn't let "negro" kids go to "white" school in Alabama.  By this time I was not quite a teenager.

One spring break from college, I went to New Orleans.  On the way down I stopped at a small tavern, and saw an out house behind the bar, that said "blacks only" on it.  By this time it was the late 60s...I couldn't believe that racism still existed.

It's now 2010, and we have improved somewhat, but never to the level that Dr. King would have preferred.  And that's a damn shame!

If you get a chance, read his speech "I have a dream."  I heard it once, on the radio, and I'm ashamed to say I've never read it myself.  I just remember thinking that what I was hearing was most profound.   Today there are many excerpts on TV shows, with various parts from that speech, and other wonderful quotes credited to him. 

 Do yourself a favor and find a copy and read it, and see if you can relate to his ideas of living in harmony...on this Day 76!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

One man's trash is another man's treasure, or is it just garbage?

Since it's a nice, sunny day, we (the significant other and I) decided to clean up the fence row along the road, of saplings, etc.  I was astounded, although I should know better having lived here for over 15 years, of all the trash that people fling from their cars and onto our property.  I decided to go back with some trash bags and do my semi-annual pick up.

Some things have not changed.  People still think that a brown paper bag disguises a bottle or can of beer.  Hey, we all know what's in there!  Did you get the bag to keep it cold?  And you can still buy beer in big brown bottles.  However, there were some more modern ways to get your alcohol, such as small, I mean really small bottle of wine and/or hooch.  You can also get hooch in a small bag-type container.   Do you think these people figure they won't get as loaded if they drink small quantities at a time?

Speaking of flinging trash, why can't these people take it home with them?  Perhaps if you were to visit them, their yards are littered with plastic bottles, Wal Mart bags,   Big Gulp cups, etc, etc.   

You can't assume that just alcoholics going down the road fling trash either.  I volunteer at a Nature center and I took a trash bag out to see what I could pick up walking the trails.   There is a stream that runs through there and lots of things get washed down, but the trash I found was no where near the stream.    Interestingly enough I found drink containers that are associated with health food and the like.  Shows you even the so-called physically fit people don't care where they leave their trash.  Everyone is to blame!

I did pick up about a pound of aluminum cans in about 1/2 hour.  At the current rate of $.65/pound locally, that's $1.30/hour.  Far less than minimum wage,  but that's the "treasure" I got out of another man's trash.

I think now I'll just kick back and have a nice glass of piesporter, at home,  on this Day 75!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Can't we all just get along?

Remember those words from the infamous Rodney King?  The black guy who was beaten by the LAPD?  Guess those words were lost to most of us.  Why do I say this?  It's due to the latest shooting of a newly elected representative from the state of Arizona, "Gabby" Giffords.

She was just standing in front of a mall, visiting with constituents, and talking about whatever she talks about.  Then "boom", her life, and the lives of a half dozen other people are changed forever.  And before the dust settled, I understand that some bloggers were out there calling for blood.  Blaming the Tea Party, and Sara Palin, because they opposed Giffords' election vehemently.  As I'm not one to even pay attention to the Tea Party, I do not know the details of any of this.  I just think that incrimination is a little premature.

I DO know that Palin and/or the Tea Party had "bullseyes" pasted on a map on their website for people they thought should have been defeated in the last election.  BULLSEYES!  Now, in this day and age, that definitely sends a message that some "gun control" of polilticians is appropriate.  I also understand the graphic has been removed.

But the bottom line is hysterical rhetoric, and bullseyes, are NOT the way to win.  If we're calling ourselves a "Christian" nation, then we'd better start thinking of the golden rule.  Or, the addage "...let those without sin cast the first stone..."  Violence in ANY form is unacceptable.  What are we teaching our children, and their children?  Where is the respect for human life?  Why can't we just all get along...on Day 74?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

So they want to get rid of health they...

Okay folks, time to step up to the plate.  Has anyone, ANYONE really read all that's in the health care bill?  That would include, of course, the newly elected members of congress.  I'll be blunt.  I have not read the entire article.  I did get an informative pamphlet, from AARP, about the health care plan, and the little I read, was very encouraging. 

It starts by saying that the new law "...strengthens medicare; makes health insurance more affordable; gets rid of discriminatory practices, etc..."  I don't see any problems there!

Remember that ignorant "donut hole" regulation  that that made it through congress?  There are ways to circumvent, or help with this problem, before it's phased out in 2020. 

And there are TAX CREDITS for some.  And it eliminates lifetime and annual coverage limits.  What's not to like? 

Sure, it's not for everyone, but I'll take it, on this Day 73!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Smoking causes cancer...get over it!

Yet another law suit by a woman who contracted cancer, presumeably by smoking for the past 25 years.  Of course she sued and was awarded $34 million.   But does she deserve it?

Okay, the tobacco companies have been duplicit in trying to get people addicted, so they could sell their product.  They've also lied, and been deceitful in their knowledge of what was or was not good for you (i.e. low tar, light's still a cigarette!!!)   BUT, since at least 1965 there have been warnings on the packaging that cigarette smoking could be hazardous to your health. 

This woman said she had been smoking for 25 years...that means she started in or about 1985!  Twenty years after they starting putting health warnings on the packages.  Could she not read?  Did she think it didn't apply to her? 

Sorry folks, in this case, she does NOT deserve to get an award.  I'm sorry she has/had cancer, but she was as guilty as the tobacco company, if not more so.  They didn't tie her down and force her to smoke for TWENTY-FIVE YEARS!!!  Sorry, but that's my rant for this Day 72!

New Direction...

I've tried to write daily, but that fell by the wayside months ago.  So today I've changed the name of the blog, and I'm just going to post 365 days of things Any might say, if he were so moved.  365 items he might thing were press-worthy, or not.  But these ARE things I feel are worth commenting on.  Snarky is in the eye of the beholder.  That's my take on Day 71!