Remember those words from the infamous Rodney King? The black guy who was beaten by the LAPD? Guess those words were lost to most of us. Why do I say this? It's due to the latest shooting of a newly elected representative from the state of Arizona, "Gabby" Giffords.
She was just standing in front of a mall, visiting with constituents, and talking about whatever she talks about. Then "boom", her life, and the lives of a half dozen other people are changed forever. And before the dust settled, I understand that some bloggers were out there calling for blood. Blaming the Tea Party, and Sara Palin, because they opposed Giffords' election vehemently. As I'm not one to even pay attention to the Tea Party, I do not know the details of any of this. I just think that incrimination is a little premature.
I DO know that Palin and/or the Tea Party had "bullseyes" pasted on a map on their website for people they thought should have been defeated in the last election. BULLSEYES! Now, in this day and age, that definitely sends a message that some "gun control" of polilticians is appropriate. I also understand the graphic has been removed.
But the bottom line is hysterical rhetoric, and bullseyes, are NOT the way to win. If we're calling ourselves a "Christian" nation, then we'd better start thinking of the golden rule. Or, the addage "...let those without sin cast the first stone..." Violence in ANY form is unacceptable. What are we teaching our children, and their children? Where is the respect for human life? Why can't we just all get along...on Day 74?
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