Tuesday, March 15, 2011

And now football...

Yeegads...we all spend hours eating, sleeping, watching, talking sports.  We buy the sportswear, we go to the games, hell...we even pay for the fancy covered domes that the sports are played in.  And what do we get in return?  A strike by the players.  In this latest case, the football players.

They're mad because the owners are making so many millions,  The owners are mad because the players want more millions.  What about the millions who don't ask anything, and still have to pay millions, although it may be somewhat diluted by the individual numbers.  The fans???!!!

How about the owners drop the price of tickets, so that the average Joe, who may or may not be out of a job at this time, can afford at least a bleacher seat?  And lower the cost of "licensed NFL gear" too.  The owners, too, could take a pay cut.   Then they could legitimately say they don't have the money to pay more, and we might believe it!  

Until then, we'll just have to read about the whiney millionaires and billionaires in the news this Day 103!

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