Sunday, April 24, 2011

High gas prices? Blame yourself!

I blame myself, to some extent, but I've been concerned about gas prices since they started going up in the early 70s.  But what did I do about it?  I've always checked my gas mileage!  I've bought cars (for me) that got really good gas mileage, and then I've bought cars that have been alittle less forgiving, but never a "gas guzzler!"   But I never pushed my fellow Americans, or congressional leaders, about renewable energy sources. 

There are too many people living now, who should remember the gas lines of the 70s.  At that time, the US was "determined" to not be dependent upon foreign oil.  Here we are 50 years later, still singing that tune.  So who do we blame?  The "guy in office?"  Like he had anything to do with it.  Well, in a way he did, because he, among almost every other American, just went with the flow, and as long as the economy was good, didn't worry about alternative energy sources.  But we all had a chance to do something, and we did nothing. 

The argument was probably that it would take years for alternative energy to be viable.  Well folks 50 years later, seems like a lot of years that have been wasted, and renewable energy is still "way in the future."

Some of us started making phenomenal salaries, and we also thought the real estate cash cow would go on forever.  So we bought Hummers, or Ford Excursions, with almost negative gas mileage, and homes that were 4000 square feet,  when we only needed 1500, and more than one at a time, as an investment, and the floor fell out from underneath us.  Some of us.  And now we're crying that the people in office have let us down.  When we really let ourselves down.  We were going forward with blinders on.

It may take another 50 years to get energy under control.  But we cannot, should not wait...or get complacent if the economy starts to get better.  I'll be happy to lead the way Day 129!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

40% off Tummy Tucks!

WOW...let me get on that bus!

 I was driving down the road, and on the back of what appeared to be a motor home, were the words above..."40% off tummy tucks..."  I was wondering if the van just came to your home, and they did out-patient surgery in your driveway!  And then I realized it was a city utilities transportation bus, and that was just advertising pasted over the entire back of the bus.

You know there's advertising everywhere these days!  I can remember being at a horse show, and inside the stalls in the washroom were ads for you to read, while you were "sitting a spell."  They were just flyers from some of the show people for everything from horses for sale, to clothing, tack and other horse-related accessories.  I'm a reader, and I thought it was very clever.   Gave me something to ponder, while waiting.

I guess I'd much rather see this type of advertising, which doesn't shout out at me, rather than all the annoying commercials on TV, which appear to take up as much as half of the show I'm watching.

I'm gonna go look for that bus again, on Day 128!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

You learn something new every day...

WOW!  Yesterday, Michelle Obama's plane was in jeopardy because a C-17 cargo transport plane was within 3 miles of hers.  What?  3 miles?  That's too close???  Well, I guess it is!  It was explained, in the newspaper this morning, and so it made much more sense!

Three miles, on the highway, would be so much distance that you'd never even know the other person was there.  Three miles on the water, and you'd probably wouldn't even see the other watercraft.  However, 3 miles in the air precludes that there could be "turbulence", much like a wave in a close-pasing boat, and can cause the plane in it's "wake" to be in jeopardy.   I think that's absolutely fascinating.  Makes sense to me.  And I'm glad it was explained in the paper, because otherwise I would have thought that the powers that be are a bit too cautious with the First Family!

Can't wait till tomororow, but that's what I learned on Day 127!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Can Trump trump Romney?

What an interesting article in the newspaper this morning, where Donald Trump was quoted as saying that he had more business experience than Romney. 

Why?  Because he might be worth more money?  Has anyone or everyone forgotten that he filed for bancruptcy once? 

As for Romney, how does he justify his own Obama-like healthcare passed in Massachusetts?  His good looks may not be enough!

With each new revelation, or outburst if you prefer, I'm just shaking my head...  Day 126!

Republicans have no sense of humor!

I usually vote Democratic, but never a straight party ticket, if I don't have to.  I did vote a straight Republican ticket in a primary recently, because I could not stomach one of the Republicans, who had opposition within his own party, for a particular seat.

That being said, I have mostly Republian friends.  Mostly due to the area I live in.   If I get some e-mail dissing Obama, Pelosi, the Democratic Party in general, and I think they're funny, I will send them on to my Republican friends.   They have asked how I could do that.  I've just said that I'd rather laugh about it, than stew and fume, and rant and rave.  The truth will always "win out."  And I'm comfortable in my beliefs.

Now, if I should forward an e-mail about Bush, Boehner, the Republican Party that I think is'd think I attacked their father/brother/lifestyle!  They absolutely think I'm wrong, wrong, wrong, and under their collective breaths, probably say I should burn in hell...wherever that is...

And now Karl Rove is dissing Trump.  How can you not laugh at all the political party antics?  Yee haw!

Lighten up, life's too short,  your lack of a sense of humor will be your own undoing, and I'm gonna keep forwarding those e-mails even after Day 125!

Weather vs vacations!

When there's nothing else to talk about, or complain about, there's always the weather.  So that's my topic today!  More on politics later!

WHY does it seem that almost every time I take a vacation, the weather turns south?  We've had some extraordinary weekends this year.  Of course those weekends were spent at home, doing home-type stuff.  We did decide to take the same vacation we attempted last year, which was thwarted last year due to bad weather.  In order to not have that happen again, we upped the weekend almost a month.  Thought for sure we'd be out of the woods (or rather we were going to the woods! Hiking, etc.)  Of course the weekdays before our departure date were wonderful, but there was a front coming in.   I watched the weather forecast every day, and it never changed.  And since we don't have the luxury of rescheduling our vacation, we altered our plans a bit, and made the most of it.   Probably spent less money too.  And of course, as soon as we got back, the weather changed for the good. 

In 35 years or more together, not all our vacations have been rainy or cold, but when they are, you remember them, especially when they're almost back-to-back.  There's always next year, but today the weather's back to normal and I'm back to doing home-type stuff, on Day 124!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Name calling has hit a new low...

I may not like Rush Limbaugh very much, but I do not believe I've ever called him  a "savage" or a pile of "human debris" but...that all changes today!

What a freak!!!  He's never been a fan of the Democratic Party or Obama, or anyone connected with him, but he's gone over the top today.  On the Huffpost on AOL, he was quoted as making the following rant:

"His [Obama's] base is made up of people even more vile than he is," he [Rush] said. "You've got...a lot of it is just walking human debris on the Democrat base side." He noted that many on the left have been unhappy with Obama.

"That bunch of people, those savages that make up the Obama base, are fit to be tied," he said. He had to get them back, and the one way to do it was to go out and savage us. That's what they love. That's what they get off on. That's their orgasm. 'Cause these people can't find willing mates."

Excuse me.   I guess this gives me permission to call YOU Rush Limbaugh, a pile of shit!!!  But I don't want to lower myself to your standards.  You are still, merely, a vile human being.   To call those people who did vote for him, such truly awful names, is despicable. 

So why are you still on the air?  Juan Williams was bounced when he made somewhat desparaging remarks about Muslims.  Why should you be different when you're talking about your fellow Americans???!!! 

Your ratings will never soar as long as I have a "change channel button" on my radio!!!  But then I've never listened to your show, and don't intend to start, especially now,  Day 123!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

...reminiscing again...

I was reading a book the other evening, and it brought up some old memories of what it was like growing up in Chicago in the early 50s.  Some memories are rather vague, but they are occasionally, crisply revived by passages I've read in others' writings.

The corner butcher shop was one such reminiscence.  When I was in school, I would buy a cow's heart, or kidney, or some other odd organ, for a science project.  For example, I could cut open the heart and explain the chambers, and the function of the aorta, etc.  I remember seeing live chickens, ducks and rabbits in the window too.  You could go in, pick out which one you wanted, and it would be processed later that day.  I do not think my mother ever bought anything there, but I sure enjoyed looking.

With all today's food regulations, this would never be acceptable, but I never knew anyone to get sick eating from the butcher shop.  And you knew that meat was fresh!

A while back I wrote about penny candy, another "blast from the past."  I meant to write more about olden days, but got sidetracked.  I've got lots more memories in the dusty hallways of my mind, so  I'll try to do better, and invite you in again,  after Day 122!


Drug free at 93!!!

I have a friend who is 93, and had to go to the hospital recently.  She broke her hip, had it operated on, went through rehab and went back home.  She had a minor complication a few months later, and went back to the hospital.  The doctor on duty asked her what meds she was on.  She said none.  he said "What?  What do you take on a regulas basis?"  She said "A vitamin."  He then asked her what pharmacy she used for her prescriptions.  Duh...if she doesn't have any prescriptions, she doesn't use any particular pharmacy.  Get a clue Doc!

When you turn on the TV you see just a myriad of drug commercials.  They shout that you simply must use the latest, newest, most effective drug for everything from hangnails to hangovers (while glossing over all the side effects.)  I don't know how a person can make it through the day without some sort of medication.  Simple aspirin for a simple pain is just not enough!  But that's all I use.  That and my daily regimen of vitamins, and fish oil (for my presumed cholesterol control.)

That's one more pill than my dear old friend uses, and I want to be just like her now and after Day 121!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011 we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Geez...just when you think some lawmakers cannot get ANY dumber, they'll shock you yet again!  I read an article in the morning's paper that said the state of Texas is thinking of raising their speed limit to 85, especially since "out west" there is so much vacant land, and long intervals between towns.  Anyone see a problem with this?  What's the hurry?

First of all, gas prices are on the rise, dramatically.  And I believe that as we get "accustomed" to this, those prices will not fall.  (Another blog to be sure.)  Most people know that MPG, or miles-per-gallon, go down the faster you go.  There is an optimum speed, and then there's a speed at which you burn even more fuel than necessary.  I can assure you, that in my cars, 85 MPH (miles-per-hour) is NOT the optimum speed.    Therefore you'll be spending even more money on gas!

Secondly, and this may be too graphic for some, if there's an accident at 85 miles per hour, I daresay you won't need paramedics, just a sponge mop and bucket.   Newer cars are better made, but those crash test dummies are only travelling at about 35 miles per hour, or less...NOT 85 or more!!!  You know the majority of people think it's okay to go at least 5 miles over the posted speed limit.

Lastly, this may be one way of cutting down on population growth!

I think I'll just stick to roads that are in the 65 MPH range so that I can stay part of the population...on Day 120!


Monday, April 11, 2011

Working on into "old age"

...sure works for Andy.  A very belated Happy Birthday to he, who is now 92 and still going into the office on a daily basis, although he's not on 60 Minutes as often.  He was quoted by the Minneapolis Tribune as saying he didn't have to work, he just wants to!  To that I say hurray, and wish him well, and envy him also. 

I'd love to work still, but after getting ousted from my last position, it's been over a year, and I still have not found anything yet I can call a 'real"  job.  Of course I read all the articles related to getting another job, such as: go back to school, write a brilliant resume, reinvent yourself.  Then there are the articles relating to the age factor:  the young can't find jobs because there are too many seniors still working; the seniors need to work because they don't have enough to retire on, or need the health care provided by a job.

Andy lucked out because he has a job he loves, and he's not been ousted for any reason.   There are too many of us who have not had those opportunities.   And there are too many of us who are not ready to just give up and  accept it, calling "it"  bad luck/fate/karma.    I can't speak for the legions, but when Andy decides that he's not taking any more cab rides from his Manhattan apartment to his office, I'll be waiting in line, with my not-so-brilliant resume, to take his place. 

Well, I guess that would come under the headng of "reinventing myself" on Day 119!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Terry Jones is at it again!

From the Huffpost on AOL News...

"...Jones insists his message is not intended to cause any violence or gain exposure for his small Gainesville church: "We are actually not doing it because we desire to be killed, we are not doing it because we desire publicity. We really believe our message is that important, that the radical element of Islam is a danger to our society..."

Oh really!  And is YOUR own radical element of Christianity NOT a danger to OUR society???!!!

Somebody please stop him, or at least have a heart-to-heart talk with him, and let him know HE'S AN IDIOT!!!

Again, religion is the bane of my existence this Day 118!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Religion in all its glory...

So some yahoo pastor, Terry Jones by name, out of Florida, gets the hairbrained scheme to go to Afghanistan to burn the Quran, their (the Muslim) version of the bible.  And of course there's backlash and about 9-11 people have been killed over it, the number has been fluctuating.   He could argue that if they were truly "god fearing" they would not kill anyone.  But he certainly set some wheels in motion, in my mind, for someone to do something heinous.   All in the name of religion.

Let me clue you in, Pastor Jones...those people have religion!  It may not be your religion, but it is religion, and they're entitled to believe what they think.    And the truly religious do NOT believe in violence,  just the yahoos.

If you read any religious book you can  say that some sort of violence is prescribed.  An "eye for an eye", for example.  And if you think "christians" are not violent, look no further than the Crusades.

So why oh why did you choose to go to Afghanistan to do this?  Who paid for the trip?  Your hard-working parishioners?  If I were part of your church, and knew my tithing paid for that trip, I would have you excommunicated, or whatever it is they could do in your religion.  

If you want to "do the right thing" read the 10 commandments.  I think all the religion a person needs is right there, not in a book that has been written and rewritten over thousands of years.  Quoted  and misquoted to serve the narrator's purposes.   

I had a wise priest once say to the congregation that all religions follow the same God, be you Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, Taoist, etc.  "He's" all the same person.  And I'm sure He would not condone burning any of His books, however written, whenever written, and the awful aftermath, on this Day 117!

What's in YOUR garage?

Cars or crap?

I see so many cars sitting in driveways because there's too much stuff in the garage, and they can't get their cars in.   I must admit though, I do have friends whose own garage is immaculate, and they still don't park their cars in there.  But they are the exception.
Basements are now living areas, and often added into the square footage when advertising a house for sale.  They used to be for storage, but now all that goes into the garage.  Three car garages now seem to be the new norm.  So that's additional storage, when the basement is now divided into bedrooms, in-law quarters, etc, etc.

There was a time when garages were too short.  I can remember our neighbor across the street buying a new Cadillac back in the late 50s, and he couldn't shut his garage door because it would hit the trunk.  They've increased the space a bit, but not by much.  My brother had to put down a strip so he would know when he had pulled in far enough to clear the back door, but not hit the front wall.  But now some cars are too wide for the allotted spaces given,  so some have side mirrors that you can fold in when entering the garage so you won't hit them on the sides of the doorway. 

You would think there was a building standard for garages, just like there is for stud spacing when putting up walls in new cosntruction.  But maybe the builder knows that there won't be cars in the garage, only crap, anyway.  I say crap, because if it's relegated to your garage, and takes up so much floor space that you cannot get your car in, how important is it?

Call me old fashioned but I have my car in my garage, on Day 116!