Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Drug free at 93!!!

I have a friend who is 93, and had to go to the hospital recently.  She broke her hip, had it operated on, went through rehab and went back home.  She had a minor complication a few months later, and went back to the hospital.  The doctor on duty asked her what meds she was on.  She said none.  he said "What?  What do you take on a regulas basis?"  She said "A vitamin."  He then asked her what pharmacy she used for her prescriptions.  Duh...if she doesn't have any prescriptions, she doesn't use any particular pharmacy.  Get a clue Doc!

When you turn on the TV you see just a myriad of drug commercials.  They shout that you simply must use the latest, newest, most effective drug for everything from hangnails to hangovers (while glossing over all the side effects.)  I don't know how a person can make it through the day without some sort of medication.  Simple aspirin for a simple pain is just not enough!  But that's all I use.  That and my daily regimen of vitamins, and fish oil (for my presumed cholesterol control.)

That's one more pill than my dear old friend uses, and I want to be just like her now and after Day 121!

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