Sunday, August 21, 2011

Bad sportsmanship du jour!

There's been yet another incidence at a professional sports venue.  This time it was a shooting after a San Francisco 49ers game.  One of the folks who was shot supposedly had an "offensive to the 49ers" shirt on.  Now isn't that why we buy "funny" t-shirts, to show a bit of humor or to make a point?  But is this reason enough to shhot a person? 

Earlier in the year an EMT was beaten, and is still suffering from brain damage after a Dodgers-Giants baseball game.  What is the matter with people?  Sports is just not that important! 

Both of these incidents, to me, speak of attempted murder!  Nothing less!

We worship overpaid atheletes, who don't know the vast majority of us, from anyone else in the universe.  Why should we attempt to "kill" for them? 

This behavior is also trickling down to the little league/mighty mites leagues.  The parents are starting to get wage war on the coaches, etc.  Maybe these goons who sought to hurt members of the opposing team's fans, learned this in the sandlots of their youth, from their parents!

Watching the games on TV only...Day 171!

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