Sunday, September 18, 2011

Bill got it right!

I have always admired Bill Clinton for his quick thinking,  ALTHOUGH I did think his liason with a White House intern was disgusting.  But that's now all history.

Anyway, today (9/18/2011) he was quoted on AOL, as saying that Dick Cheney was trying to foment trouble between the Democrat ranks, by suggesting Hillary Clinton run against Obama in the priimaries.   I was wondering why Cheney would say that myself, but as I'm not as quick on my feet,  I'd bet old Bill was right on the money!

As for Cheney, he gets more transparent every day.  Some day he'll just disappear, and the footnotes in history will be far and few between.  As they are with other VPs.

I haven't had much to write lately, due to time constrictions (my own), but with the political sccene heating up, the possibilities are endless!  I'm obviously NOT a republican fan, and to my eyes, they keep making verbal gaffs on an almost daily basis.  I've been keeping some notes, but just as I think something sounds worthy of a blog, they say something else that has me shaking my head in even more disbelief.

On a positive note, for the Republicans, I do like Michelle Bachman's quick retorts on some subjects she's pressed about, but when left to just verballize her thoughts (think campaign speech) she fails me.

If I want true controversy, I'll watch football this afternoon, and decry why my team lost (if they do) on Day 177!

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