Wednesday, January 25, 2012

There's a cord for that!

With the advent of all these wonderful, new electrical gadgets to  make our lives more interesting, I am awash in power cords!  These gizmos may have batteries to power them when you're out and about, but at the end of the day, they probably need to be recharged, and that means a cord!

I have cords for my GPS (that I use hiking); my digital camera, my cell phone, my Nook, my "handheld' (computer) that I use for work, my lap top computer, plus the power cords for recharging while I'm in the car, and that means one for each of the aforementioned devices too.   I have taken to keeping all of them in separate sandwich bags, which are labelled.

I wonder if it's too much to ask manufacturers to make some sort of universal cord (like a universal remote for your TV?), or perhaps with interchangeable plug-ins.  Any savvy inventors out there?  I assure you, it's not me!

You'll find me searching, yet again, for the proper cord, on Day 203!

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