Thursday, January 26, 2012

Why is Romney running?

Really...if the news is true that he made $22 million last year with just his investments, why doesn't he just sit back and relax?   That's more money than the majority of us will make in a lifetime of working, let alone one year.  So what's the deal with running for president?  What does he have to prove?  Who's he really trying to help?    What's he been doing with those millions anyway?   Does he miss politics, or is he just "looking for a job" like so many of us?

I have listened to him on TV, and those awful debates, and I've perused the internet about his views on various subjects, but I'm just not sold on what makes Mitt want to run.

Just trying to figure out his motivation on Day 204!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

There's a cord for that!

With the advent of all these wonderful, new electrical gadgets to  make our lives more interesting, I am awash in power cords!  These gizmos may have batteries to power them when you're out and about, but at the end of the day, they probably need to be recharged, and that means a cord!

I have cords for my GPS (that I use hiking); my digital camera, my cell phone, my Nook, my "handheld' (computer) that I use for work, my lap top computer, plus the power cords for recharging while I'm in the car, and that means one for each of the aforementioned devices too.   I have taken to keeping all of them in separate sandwich bags, which are labelled.

I wonder if it's too much to ask manufacturers to make some sort of universal cord (like a universal remote for your TV?), or perhaps with interchangeable plug-ins.  Any savvy inventors out there?  I assure you, it's not me!

You'll find me searching, yet again, for the proper cord, on Day 203!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Celebrity perks...lawyers?

O.J. (you remember him?) Simpson sits in jail, and his Florida house is in foreclosure.  His attorneys are trying to stop the proceedings.  So my question is...if he can afford lawyers, while he serves a prison term, why didn't he pay his mortgage?   Or are the lawyers working gratis since he's "O.J."?  Because he's a "celebrity" kinda? 

Keeping my mortgage paid, and my own lawyers unemployed, on Day 202!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Nobody's ever satisfied.

This winter (as of January 2012) has been very mild in southwest Missouri.  But there are still those who would complain. 

The worst thing about ANY winter in this area is the fluctuation of temperatures between sunrise and early afternoon.  Typically you get up and it's around 25 degrees, and then goes up into the high 40s to low 50s, or even warmer.  This means you wear your heavy winter coat when you leave the house (or you freeze) and you carry it over your arm later in the afternoon.

This is also the reason children lose so many coats during the winter months.  They need them in the morning, but not so much in the afternoon, and so leave them wherever they took them off last.

But really, with no snow, or very little up to this date; with no cold except for the mornings, and one day last week when it didn't get above freezing, this has been a very, very mild winter.   And still people complain.  Perhaps they just want to make conversation.

Enjoying today and every day, regardless of weather, and with no complaints, on Day 201!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Nothing good going on...

Geez...I really want to write like Andy, but with the daily news just being bad and worse, it's hard to find the "fun things" in life to write about.

Between corrupt governments, drugs and alcohol rages, use of guns at even seemingly innocent events (e.g. birthday parties), infanticide, pedophilia...sometimes you don't even want to pick up the morning paper, or listen to the news on the radio. 

Then there are the politicos running to unseat the president.  Listening to them, they hate each other, and they all seem to infer that the current president is the one who, all by himself, within the span of only 3 years,  bankrupted the USA. 

The only bright spot is, depending upon where you live, this has been one heck of a mild winter.    Of course there are those who are not happy about that either, namely the ski resorts.  I can appreciate their pain, but since I do not live in a snow belt, nor do I ski, I cannot commiserate any more than that.

Looking forward to more sun, less "downer" time,  on Day 200!