Tuesday, December 7, 2010

R.I.P Elizabeth Edwards

It's a shame that I would have to write another small tribute to a famous person whom I admired.  But Elizabeth will get much more press coverage than Dan Shorr did.  The reason being that she was married, and then estranged in the end, to a philandering husband, while she was battling breast cancer!  While he was espousing family values in his bid to be Vice President!  While he was "boinking" a woman whom he would eventually get pregnant!

She would have just been another note on a page, if it weren't for a man whose ego obviously needed more massaging than she could give.  This seems to be a problem with sports figures, politicians, men in power.  It doesn't seem to bother them that the woman trailing after them appear to be mostly interested in their money, and popping out an heir is a sure fire way for the women to get a handsome monthly salary without working.  But she's not the first one to have a devastating illness, and find out the worst about your "ever-lovin' spouse."    Remember Newt Gingrich, who left his wife, while she was in the hospital also battling cancer?

Elizabeth, to hell with John...you're the one I'm thinking about on Day 70!

Monday, December 6, 2010

WikiLeaks yet again...

Wouldn't you know it...just as I finally get around to seeing what all the brouhaha is about, WikiLeaks website is not available to me.  Probably too much "crap" to read through anyway.

What I really find interesting, is that the few revelations that the newspapers have seen fit to print,  are some really bad behavior on the part of some of the most important political figures in the world.   And we used to think they were all as pure as the driven snow, and above reproach.  We did, didn't we?  Well, except for a few like the guy in North Korea, the guy in Iran, the guy in Venezuela...etc, etc, etc.    I don't want to name names because they may change, but the behavior won't!

Hillary, I'm glad I'm not you, on Day 69!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

When are we ever gonna get those jobs back???

I was going through some clothing that my husband doesn't wear, or rather never did or would wear.  Mostly pajamas that his mother bought for him at some Christmas or another.  He has his own style, and it's not her taste.  She also thinks he's twice the size he really is, because his father was a big man.

Anyway, I stumbled across these, and was reading the labels.  They all said "made in the USA."  Can you even imagine how long it's been since ANY clothing was made in the USA?  Except for possibly LL Bean, or Eddie Bauer (can't remember which one does still sell American), almost everything is made overseas, or over the border.

As far as that goes, look at ANYTHING you buy, clothing, shoes, furniture, appliances, and try to find something Made in America.   And made recently!  Almost NADA, zip, zilch.  Even much of the food you buy has been grown, or manufactured, elsewhere.  Just look!

That's your assignment, on Day 68!

Harder than it looks...

Okay, I said I was going to do a-blog-a-day to get Andy's attention, hopefully.  Obviously this has not happened.  I'm a little over a month behind.  I cannot give a viable reason.  I'm not that busy; I'm just out of good ideas.  Or rather, so many problems seem so trivial.

For example, when you learn that there are children whose only meal is what they eat at school, and they may not eat at all on weekends, do we really have a reason to complain about, say the full body scan?  Obviously there is an opposite story to the obesity epidemic. 

If you don't believe the story of the children, there is a program called "backpack" where designated families are given a backpack of food for the weekend.  The child is sent home, from school, with a backpack of ready-to-eat type meals.  NOT like you get in the Armed Service, but canned goods, or dry goods, nothing too involved.

Food for thought on Day 67!

It's truly just JUNK!!!

The Thanksgiving Day holiday just passed.  We never go anywhere any more for thanksgiving, so we don't worry about air travel.   But, of course we we had to hear about the potential air delays.   This is to be expected. 

What we also heard about was the flyer (a young man) who refused to go through the full body scanners, and didn't want a body search in which case the authorities may have to "touch his junk."  Junk being a synonym for his private parts, or as Jay Leno put it...used to be of more value when they were called "the family jewels."

Now, in this day and age, if you're flying anywhere, you KNOW there is going to be tight security and you're going to have to undergo some sort of screening.  GET OVER IT!  If the plane goes down, who's to blame when the security measures are compromised due to a passenger who didn't want his "junk" touched!  Or his body scanned!

In a few words, better to be safe than sorry, on Day 66! 

It's everywhere!!!

As I contemplate what to write about, I see that there's a small ad, on the side of my Google Blogger account, telling me to "...tell Senator Claire McCaskill..."  Now, I happen to like Senator McCaskill, and I approve of what I've read about her efforts in congress so far.  So LEAVE ME ALONE!!!  Is there some way to tell Google, or AOL, or whomever the Spam Gods listen to, that I do NOT care for these political innuendos popping up on MY SPACE???!!! 

And I don't mean the social networking site either this Day 65!

Will it never end???

Last night I got yet another politically-based phone call.  This even though the last election was November 2nd.  I thought all the brouhaha would be over, except in the media, concerning what's to happen in 2012.  Living in a primarily Republican voting district, I thought I'd be safe, and NOT bothered, if I just answered all questions with an "I voted for Obama" shout-out!  Nope, they keep asking me if I would vote for "so-and-so", a noted Republican if he/she ran against another noted Republican.  That is to say, which Republican do you like the best???  NONE, thank you very much!  This isn't always the case, but the only Republicans I have to choose from, in my area, are none that I would care to have represent me. 

Driving me nuts, on Day 64!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

...so now what?

The elections are over...HURRAH!!!!!  However, no one, but NO ONE whom I voted for, was elected.  I'm very sad.  (Did I mention I'm mostly a Democrat?)

So now what?

I was thinking that the Republicans have two years to put their money where their mouths were.  That is to say, they were going to "turn things around."   Then I listened to the politcal pundits on NPR this afternoon and heard them say that in two years the Republicans will say they were hogtied because they could not get legislature past the Democratic president, and/or the democratically controlled senate.   So even more should be elected and/or reelected.

Already an excuse for getting NOTHING accomplished!  On this Day 64!

Monday, November 1, 2010

...debt forever???

I'm SOOOOOOOO confused!  The big spin on politics is that we're saddling our grandchildren with debt loads (the government debts loads) that we will have for years and years.  Now it seems to me that before Clinton, we ALWAYS had government debt.  He was the first president, that I remember, who actually balanced the budget!  And we know that George Bush thought we had WAY too much money sitting around, and so after enacting the tax breaks, that conveniently expire this coming year (more on that later), he started a money hungry war!  

As for the tax breaks that expire...I figure that he knew (or his cronies knew) if the Democrats were in power, if they stopped the tax breaks, they'd be vilified.  If the Republicans were in office, well, they'd never stop the tax breaks because they knew it made them look like heros, regardless the fact that our debt was and is increasing.  They'd find some way to blame the Democrats.  As far as the tax breaks, I can't say as an extra $10/month made all that much difference in my lifestyle.

Okay, much of this is going to be decided tomorrow, November 2nd, Election Day, as to what path we'll take, or rather who to blame in the next two years for everything that isn't going well.

All I can do is shrug this Day 63!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Elections create jobs!!!

Well, they must!  Where else are the millions of dollars going?  There must be a niche in business that caters, nay panders to politicians and their needs.  And those people must be getting rich?  If we stopped all elections, would the unemployment skyrocket?  I only have questions, no answers.  But the amount of money being spent, even at the local level, is confounding.  You can't just throw a hundred dollars into a pot, take out a newspaper ad, and hope for the best.  You must throw parties, give out t-shirts, put out yard signs, car magnets, maybe even buy billboards, and woe is me...investigate the other candidate for irregularities in his/her background, and that takes a P.I. (private investigator.)

I would be concerned if after the election everything died down for a few years, until the next election, but in this climate, which has gone on for a few years now (since Reagan perhaps?) the only lull is the month after the election, and then the parties start their name-calling for the next one, even if it's two years off.  Can't get too nasty too soon!

 So I guess the election business niche is on solid ground. 

Can't wait until after November 2nd.  My thoughts on this Day 62!


Government health care???????????

Okay, so the ads say that the government should stay out of health care and not mess with medicare.  Uh...isn't medicare something the government manages?  Am I missing something here, on Day 61???!!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Why does everyone hate Nancy Pelosi?

What an awful election year.  The slurs and slander are getting worse every day, and the biggest mantra, for a "bad" democrat seems to be "...in lock step with Nancy Pelosi..."    I'm not sure many of the people running for office have even MET Nancy Pelosi.  Even local politicians are linked with her.   Poor Nancy must cast a very wide net.

Of course all these junior politicians, who want to go to Washington, think they are going to change the world.  They think they're gonna fix everything that the (previous) administration screwed up.  Of course the previous administration thought the same thing.  Change takes time, and whoever is in "power" when things actually start to look promising, will be the overall winner.

If Nancy Pelosi is still in office, then she wins, but no one would acknowledge that.  If her party is out of office, then she's decidely the ogre everyone is making her out to be.   

Nancy can't win for losing on Day 59!

R.I.P. Juan Williams

What a mess...  Juan may have said something many of us may think, BUT to say it out loud on a TV show, was just wrong.  As a news reporter, he's expected, at all public appearances (such as the Bill O'Reilly Show) to be absolutely unbiased.  I'm not sure if NPR acted too hastily in firing him, but Fox sure picked him up in a hurry, so he didn't land with a thud.  I personally lost all respect for him, with his uncalled-for  comments.

I say this as I recently came home from a trip out east, with a stop in New York City.  I rode the Staten Island ferry and looking around me, I saw and heard very, very few people who spoke English, and many may have been muslim.  Was I worried?  After all this was in close, and confined quarters.   I can even recall thinking that a security mantra for being in crowds, was to watch for unusual behavior.  What IS unusual behavior?  I decided to just enjoy my vacation. 

 All I saw were people, probably mostly tourists.  We probably also had the same agenda of seeing the sights, taking pictures, enjoying the energy that is New York.  If I were to worry about seeing  a lot of people who I thought were muslims, I'd probably just stay in my small town in Missouri and hide.

Juan, time to go...Day 58!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Where is he now...

And I'm referring to Ross Perot.  Remember him?  He ran for president a few years ago?  He's a Texas billionaire?  His famous words on NAFTA were that we'd "hear a giant sucking sound as jobs went to Mexico."

NOW do you remember him?

I bring up his name and quote, because the Hershey Chocolate Company is closing one of its plants, in Hershey, PA.  Many of the on-line comments referred to the fact that some of the chocolate is now made in Mexico! 

But they're not the only ones who have fled to the South.  If you go to some of the border towns (Del Rio comes to mind) you can see the american companies on the horizon.  The executives live in the U.S  probably, and cross over each morning to run the plants, with mexican workers.   Good for the mexican workers, bad for the U.S. workers.  Especially when you can SEE where the jobs went.

So Ross, we heard you, and some of us believed you!  But not the people that make up the rules.  The people that we ELECTED!  So where are you now, on Day 57!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Obama is (not) an American...(part 2)

Oh yeah...he's not an American either! So, you disbelievers, when the president of the United States is found to be born in the US, of Mexican parents, who were illegal, what're you gonna call him or her???!!!  

It could happen, and probably will!  Not everyone can be a W.A.S.P. (white anglo-saxon protestant, for you politically challenged.)  Not everyone wants to be a W.A.S.P!   Just as many of us do not want to be Republicans!

Something (for the bigots) to REALLY think about on Day 56!

Obama is (not) a Christian...(part 1)

PUL-LEEZ...can we let this rest already?  The president of the United States shouldn't have to explain himself every time he turns around.  We didn't elect him due to his religious beliefs.  I could care less if he said he was an atheist!  I thought his "Christian" remarks, made about a week ago, should suffice, but NOOOOOO, people are still writing about what THEY perceive him to be.

SOOOOOOO, all you "real Christians" out there...how can you bad-mouth him in good conscience?  I thought as "Christians" you were taught to love one another, regardless of race, religion, etc. etc.  Oh wait, that's in the Constitution, or the Bill of Rights, or the Declaration of independence,or something like that.  Isn't it?   But those documents were written by mortal men.

If it's in the Bible, then the Bible must be wrong, right?  But that was supposedly written by IMmortal men...

...Day 55!

Trust factcheck.org

Sheesh...the mud is getting deeper and slimier as the November election draws nearer.  Of course the candidates know that mudslinging puts them in a bad light, but I guess they hope their bad light is a little less bright than the opponent's bad light.

I guess if you have a slanderous ad aimed at you, the proper thing to do, these days, is fight back with an equally disgusting ad.  Let's not talk about the issues, let's talk bout how wrong/stupid/mean your apponent is.

The worst I believe I've read lately was a candidate from Florida who's comments on the Taliban, and womens' rights in Afghanistan in general, were taken totally out of context, and made him appear as though he advocated women to be subservient to their husbands, and just accept it if they were abused.


Big, big sigh on Day 54!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I'm not addicted to social networking...

...was the statement of a student who said he only checked his Facebook page between classes!  So what's addicted?  Checking it often DURING class?  I would assume so.

There's even a commercial on TV where a girl is shown breaking up with her boyfriend via a text message, and updating her Facebook page at the same time, while seated across from him at a table at an outdoor cafe.  It's a commercial for a cell phone company.

Do we really need to be in touch with everybody and everything on a minute-to-minute basis?  How do you sleep?  Oh, I forgot, some of these people sleep with their phones under their pillows.  How restful a night's sleep can that be if a friend has insomnia and thinks you should be awake too?

How much will insurance companies be paying for carpal tunel syndrome operations in a couple years?  If they were smart, the policies would add wording that says it's not covered if caused by texting.  They should start today...Day 53! 

Another "DUH" moment...

Heard recently that truckers who are hauling "dangerous cargo (e.g. dynamite)" are to be banned from texting while driving.  Really???  Really!!!

EVERYONE should be banned from texting while driving.  It's akin to reading a book, while driving.  Just makes no sense!  You're more than a little distracted, and regardless of the size of the vehicle, it's a weapon!

This is truly a "duh" moment on Day 52!

Censorship in school, yet again!

In today's local newspaper there was a Letter-to-the-Editor condoning censorship of books that some of the local grade school and/or high school teachers wanted their children to read.  I'm sorry, I didn't catch the grade and/or name of the book(s) to put those names here (which can be researched.)  You KNOW people are going to read ANY banned books!  Banning them just makes them more popular!

The Letter-to-the-Editor was written by a college professor!

The second half of the letter deplored the teaching of sex education in the classroom, when it referred to how one might get AIDS, and such things as oral sex.  Now, in this instance, I believe the students were 8th graders.  Since I was once in 8th grade, I'm pretty sure that the students already know, or think they know, as much or more than they're given credit for!  This is just the teachers setting the facts straight!
His children are home-schooled.  Wonder how much they WON'T know when they get to college!  Might be quite the shock!

To elaborate more on "banning books", let me say that this is not a new concept.  I grew up in the era of Hawaii by James Michener being banned in college!  Lady Chatterly's Lover, by D.H. Lawrence, was also banned.  Of course I read Hawaii, and could find nothing objectionable, except for perhaps descriptions of native women, but it was in an historical context, and not in a sexual context.  Hey folks, remember sneaking peeks at National Geographic???!!

As far as Lady Chatterly's Lover is concerned, by the time I finally found a copy to read, I was really baffled as to why that was banned.  Nothing that I can remember, was at all questionable.  Maybe I got the abridged version?  I do remember it was boring!

Oh, lest I forget, he also admonished the fact that "evolution" is being taught in school!  YIKES!!!  I guess all those anthropologists, and paleontologists are just wrong...as of Day 51!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

I hate election years! Which is about every year!

...the TV ads, the telemarketing-type phone calls, the lies and innuendos...

The only apolitical time, in my opinion, is between the election for president, and the day he or she gets inaugurated.  As soon as the new president is in office, the fights begin to get the "other party" in power in either the house or senate.  Right after that is the fight to either retain the current president, or get a new one.

National security, horrific events (e.g. a plane crash) or natural disasters are the only things that can usurp the political crap.

These days everyone has the "best" ideas on getting the economy improved, getting the war ended,  getting more jobs for the jobless, helping folks with bad mortgages, but no one wants to tell just how they intend to accomplish this, lest the opposing party steal their ideas.   Non-partisan my a**. 

Talk about a "hugh tax increase" is just that...talk.  Bush and his handlers knew what he was doing when he put those tax cuts in place, with an expiration date.   They probably knew the democrats would be in power when the tax cuts expired, and to let them expire would make the dems look bad.  And if the republicans were still in power, they would just keep voting the tax cuts in, and they'd look like veritable Gods to the masses.  The dems are now talking about just letting the tax cuts expire on the people who make over $250,000 a year, which is about 2%?   John Boehner, a republican, gets to call it a HUGE tax increase.  So who's really doing what's best for the country?

I don't have the answers as of Day 50!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Dave Barry got it right...

Sorry Andy, but I have to quote someone else here.  Someone I admire just as much...Dave Barry.  The quote mentioned was a short blurb in the classified pages of our local newspaper.  The quote was about "SUVs."

Dave is quoted as saying "Admit it, sport-utility vehicle owners!  It's shaped a little differently, but it's a station wagon!  And you do not drive it across rivers!  You drive it across the Wal-Mart parking lot!"

So true!  The majority of them are 4WD (four-wheel drive) or AWD (all-wheel drive) which means you should not get stuck in most places.  A foot of snow should not deter you.  However, I did work with someone who called in because his Chevy Blazer (forerunner to the SUV) was stuck, in less than 6 inches of snow, in his driveway.  I think this was an excuse to not come to work.  I have seen some SUV owners "stuck" because they were not able to figure out either how to get out of a snow drift, or didn't want to try for fear of "tearing up the vehicle."

Since I married a Jeep freak, for the past 30+ years, I've had 4WD in my life.  I know what it can and cannot do, and the "cannots" are few.  One very important fact to remember, for those new SUV drivers, is that NOTHING works on ice.  And we have plenty of ice storms in this part of the country.  As far as snow goes, you can get out of tough places, but careful driving is still the MOST IMPORTANT when driving, regardless of 2WD or 4WD.  Four-wheel drive just means you'll get stuck further off the road.

Since you thought you needed an SUV, learn how to use those station wagons the way they're supposed to be used!  With winter coming, those are my thoughts on Day 49!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Mosquito bites

Everyone gets them.  Most of the time, we never even see the biter.  We just wake up with a new welt and/or itch!  Did you know only the females bite?  Something to ponder, for sure!

Anyway, since I've been unemployed for the better part of 6 months now, I've taken to wearing sandals much of the time.   If I ever do find meaningful work, it's going to be hard to put shoes and socks back on...I think...

So, my bare tootsies have come under the attack of a mosquito.  I was driving this morning, and one of my toes began to itch!   How annoying is that?  I can't pick my foot up (it was my right, or gas pedal, foot.)  I thought of pulling over to scratch it.  I tried wiggling my sandal to help in the scratching process.  Didn't work.  Ever notice how this can cloud all your other judgement?

Thankfully, I was just in town traffic, going to get my morning cappuchino, so I didn;'t have far to go before I was going to make a stop.  If I were on the highway I would've pulled over.  That's how I started this Day 48! 

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Good old days...part I

On another blog, people were reminiscing about the good old days.  Now this is WAY different if you're over 30, or 40, or 50!!!   In the past few years, everything new yesterday, has become passe today!

The first topic I want to cover is gasoline.  The prices may seem "stable" these days, fluctuating between $2.25 and $2.75 a gallon.  Too high for some of us who remember the "good old days" but still better than the rise to almost $4.00 a gallon, at least in SW Missouri.  I know there were states that did top that and more.

But what about the good old days.  Well, when I was in high school, gas was (...drum roll...) 25 cents a gallon!  And this was in the city of Chicago!  When I went out with my friends on the weekend, and we chipped in for gas, a dollar (or 25 cents from each of us) would fill up the tank and we could go all night.  My best friend, who drove, as most of us did not even have cars, drove a VW bus!    What fond memories of piling everyone in and taking off for the lake (Michigan) or other favorite haunts (Rush Street and Old Town.) 

This is just the first of many fond memories I intend to put here, starting with Day 47!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Grammar police...

We're everywhere and we cannot keep up the pace, making corrections!

The computer is partly responsible.  There are no proof-readers any more, so we assume the words on the printed page are correct.  The problem is that the words may be spelled corretly, but they're not the proper words for the sentence.

Examples would be "they're or their, or there."  Or "where and wear." 

Then there is the improper use of verbs with present and past tenses.  This is more common with the spoken word, as opposed to the printed word. 

Examples might be saying "we was going..." as opposed to "we were going..."  Another one would be "she don't..." as opposed to "she doesn't..."   I have even heard these come out of the mouths of educated people.  One person was a teacher.  If the teachers cannot talk, how do we assume the children will learn proper english?

In the first verb, was should be grouped with a singular noun or pronoun  He, she, it was.    In the second example, think about how the "contraction" would sound, within the sentence, if called out.    Say "she do not."  Sounds awkward, right?  Again, don't should be used in plural situations, such as they, or we.

Keeping the home fires burning for proper english...on Day 46!

Does your turn signal work...?

...then why aren't you using it?   And NOT after you're already into the turn!

Do you think we're all mind readers, and we know when and where you're going to turn? 

Did your car pass inspection last time?  Did they try your turn signals?

Do you have a phone in one hand, and you're gripping the steering wheel with the other, and so cannot "activate" the turn signal? 

Did the turn signal break and you haven't had time to get it fixed properly?

Do you even know how to use "hand signals" to indicate which way you're turning?

Did you skip Driver's Ed?  Did you bother to read the booklet? 

Do you want to be involved in a rear end collision, when  it's YOUR rear end? 

Well, do you?

I'm using mine regularly,  and from now on I want you to, starting on Day 45!

Jib Jab...the website

In my opinion, JibJab is the funniest, and most clever, website I've ever been to.  They have extremely cute videos on all sorts of American life.  And with some of the videos, you can insert a picture of someone you know, so it appears as though they are part of the video.  Extremely clever, and quite thought provoking.  Don't know is Andy has ever seen this, but I'm sure he'd love it!  I cannot get enough of it. 

Those are my thoughts on Day 44!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Side effects!

Watch the TV ads for new drugs on the market!  Listen closely!

Last night I saw an ad for a drug to be used when your current anti-depressant isn't enough to keep you on that "even keel" we all wish we had.   I question the number of people even using these mind-altering drugs, but that's another story.    Back to the topic at hand...there appears to be more time spend talking about the side effects than the actual efficacy of the drug!  Of course the drug is touted in loud tones, about how helpful it could be.  Then they practically mumble about the side effects.  PLURAL!  MANY!

One of which is "thoughts of suicide!"  I thought being on an "even keel" should STOP any thoughts of doing yourself harm.  I thought that's what these drugs were for?  I'm not sure how to address this seeming contradiction of usefulness.

I'm happy to say I'm drug free on Day 43!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Music, music everywhere...

Listening to Andy last week, I can appreciate where he was coming from regarding the plethora of new musicians and singers out there that few of us have heard of.  And yes, I suppose it is a sign of age, but then again I never did listen to the rock and roll stations very much.  I've always been more of a classical and jazz person.

I have to say, that I do watch American Idol, and usually agreed with Simon Cowell on his critiques.  I also think that many of today's pop stars would never make it on Idol.  Too many of the hot stars have gimmicks that propel them into the limelight.  The girls want to emulate them, the guys want to get the girls that look like them. 

Then there's the Justin Bieber phenomenon.  I guess he sings well enough, and I can surely see if I were a young teenager, I'd have his posters on all my bedroom walls.  But then I read that he has an autobiography out.  WHAT?  How much "life" can a 16-year-old have lived?    His life probably isn't even a fifth over... 

Getting back to Idol, I've never been a Madonna fan, and I sincerely doubt, that if she came on with makeup on to disguise her, she'd never get a second audition.  I also wonder about Lady Gaga, or Britney Spears, and even "young" old Justin. 

I read about some "rock stars" that have passed away for various reasons, at an early age.  Every time I click on the item, I've never heard of the group, much less the individual.    I guess that could be more of a help than a hindrance, as they're not likely to get hassled by me for an autograph or a picture, while walking down the street.  My ignorance might be their bliss, this Day 42!

Sirens have a purpose...listen up!

I was waiting at a light to change when I heard an ambulance siren.   It's amazing how many people seem to think "Oh, they can get through,"  and don't stop or move out of the way.   Worse are the people who  don't even seem to hear the sirens, and they can be very loud.  Worse is the horn that emergency vehicles have when reaching an intersection.  If you cannot hear them, you're either technically deaf, or you need a hearing test immediately, because they WILL drown out your boombox radio!

But there are also other sirens that we have a penchant to ignore.  In our small town we have a tornado siren.  Amazingly the sound can travel quite far!  We had a tornado warning the other night, WHILE we were meeting at a place with a tornado shelter, and people started saying that they should get in their cars and go home to avoid the tornado.  HUH???

So when hearing a siren, slow down, pull over, and let the emergency vehicle go by.  And there may be MORE THAN  ONE VEHICLE!  And if it's a tornado warning siren, STAY INDOORS in a safe place.  DON'T go outside and look for it, or worse yet, try to out run it.  It may be the last sound you hear.

 Stay safe!  That's all I've got on Day 41!

I'm NOT sorry...

If I had a nickel for every time someone says "I'm sorry" when  they do something that should require the response of "excuse me" or "pardon me" I wouldn't even be worried about my unemployment check arriving!

Think about it.  Someone jostles you in a department store, accidentally of course.  They say "I'm sorry."  Sorry for what?  Sorry you bumped into me?  I know you didn't do it on purpose.  A simple "excuse me" would sound SOOOOO much better, to me anyway. 

Another example...you cut between me and a person I'm talking to, because I'm taking up too much room, and you can't get through.  Again, you say "sorry."  Sorry for what?  That I'm standing and blocking your way?  Why not a "pardon me" or a strong "excuse me" while thinking silently that I'm an ass for blocking your path.  I'm the "sorry" one when I'm obstructing you.  

Sorry indicates you think what you did, or who you are is wretched and inferior.  So I guess if you have a complex, then you're a "sorry" person, but excuse yourself, when you butt in front of me in line.  I'll understand and accept that a lot better, than "sorry" on Day 40!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Hitler was a Catholic...

...but did we start banning Catholic churches from being  built, or shun Catholics from society?  Not that I'm aware of.  So why are we so mad about the mosque that is to be erected within a few blocks (?) of Ground Zero? 

We speak of religious tolerance, even have it in our constitution, yet we decide on WHAT religions to be tolerant of?  Can't have your cake and eat it too, if you're sincere!   And if you look at all of history, what religions HAVEN'T done some awful stuff to their fellow citizens?  Anyone want to review what happened during the Crusades? 

I'm personally affronted by people who proclaim they're Christian, and yet have such narrow views on life, death, and other matters, if you're not with 'em, you're agin 'em.  You either espouse to their view of God or you're all wet and doomed somehow, someway. 

I'm turning more agnostic as the day goes by, that is Day 39!

Saturday, August 28, 2010


It's very easy.  Sometimes you catch people off guard, and they smile back.  Sometimes they look at you as though you have ulterior motives.  But why NOT smile?  Like the saying goes, it takes fewer muscles to smile than to frown. And if you don't get frown lines, you don't have to worry about plastic surgery early in life to erase them!  A win-win situation!

One instance I particularly like to smile during, is when I see small children or handicapped people.  Some of the children I see with their parents, probably never see a smile.  Some of the handicapped people I see probably have more people staring at them than smiling at them.   A smile should make the other person feel good.  Like they're important.  I know I feel that way if someone smiles at me.

Smiles change from town to town and city to city.  While smiling at almost everyone in Ozark, MO, you get a smile back;  smiling at the sales clerk in Woodfield Mall, in Schaumburg, Illinois will illicit some stares of apprehension.  Smiling walking down the streets of New York City can have the same effect.  I've done both.  But I know I'm not a crazy, I'm just a happy person, and I hope it rubs off on those I smile at. 

So Andy,  keep smiling on Day 38!

It's what for dinner...

As I look at my wonderful dog this evening, I can't help but wonder if she's happy getting the same dry dog food every day.  She eats it readily, and it's good for her, but...we as humans have a varied diet.  We eat different foods nearly every day, and every meal.  The sights, smells, and textures are always different.  The dog's food is the same, day after day, after day.

Of course she hovers around us during diner, but she gets no table scraps, ever.  She will eventually go eat her dog food, but is she wondering why it doesn't smell like the rest of the room?  Is she jealous?  Does she resent us for not giving her some of what we're eating?  Sometimes when we do put food in her plate, that's not the standard dog food fare, she is slow to pick it up and eat it.  She used to take it outside and bury it.  Maybe because her previous home didn't let her eat whenever she wanted?

Hard to say, but she's a happy dog.  So Andy, what's your dog eating on Day 37?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

It's a government conspiracy with cable TV!!!

Really, it has to be!   The fact that we HAVE to have digital TV, and if you don't have cable, then you get the little "box" and probably a newer, better, more expensive antenna, and maybe, just maybe, you'll get the channels you used to watch, and a couple more. 

I say maybe, because I've talked to several people who do not have cable, and even with the best antenna they could find, they still cannot get all channels in clearly, crisply, and regularly!  In my case I can get one particular channel upstairs in my house, but not downstairs in the same house.  If the wind is blowing, my reception stinks.  If it's raining or storming. same complaint.   I've bought two new antennas since I HAD to go digital, and actually the oldest one, that I had BEFORE digital, works the best, and it was a damn cheap aerial.

Why not just get cable?  Because it costs MONEY!!!  Why should I pay $30 or more a month, for something I used to have for free?  Let advertisers pay the programming costs.   Besides, even cable has lots of reruns, so where's the benefit?  If congress wants to supplement anything, they can supplement my cable bill this Day 36!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Prove you're a christian!

Dammit!  You do the talk, now walk the walk! 

This phrase could identify almost anyone and everyone in politics these days.  I'm so tired of everybody espousing values that seem to have nothing to do with the golden rule, which to me is an excellent definition of christianity.  You know the one that says "do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

There are plenty of people who lead good, decent lives, and are only a benefit to themselves and their community, yet they might not espouse being a "christian" and therefore are vilified.   They must adhere to a "predetermined agenda", not necessarily of their own beliefs, to be considered eligible for admission into the realm of the annointed ones, the "christians."

I'm not going to go into specifics, but by today's definition, even though  I think I'm a good person, I'm not a good "christian" on Day 35! 

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 34 and I'm frustrated!

I've been applying for jobs right and left, and they're all on line.  I wonder what it would be like to actually interview with someone in person.  I wonder if when reading my resume, the "hiring people" think "...ooh, she's too old",  or "...she's too educated/too much experience/not the right kind of experience/she'd leave soon; she's close to retirement..."  I wonder if they ever think that the reason I'm applying for a job is that I might need one? 

And at this stage in my life, it's not so much need one, as want one because otherwise I'd be bored to tears at home.  If I had millions in the bank I could travel all over.  But then again, if I had millions in the bank, I probably would already have travelled all over. 

There are no children or grandchildren involved so it's not like they could occupy my time.   I already volunteer, and that's nice, but it costs money.   I could go back to school but that cost money too, even at the reduced senior rate.   I just want to work!
So if anyone reads this and has a lead, send it to me, after this Day 34!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Harold Dow...we liked your style...

Unfortunately another great newsman has left us.  Harold Dow passed away this weekend, on Saturday, and only this Monday morning did I read about it in the paper.  And again, a small blurb.

Also a small segment on tonight's TV news.  I thought I watched Saturday and Sunday's newscasts, but this evening was the first I had heard on TV.  I think that's a sad note on how people view what is really "news."  I believe I saw a blurb on AOL about Kim Kardashian (who IS she anyway?) and NONE on Harold Dow.   A wannabe versus a real person!  

Rest assured we haven't forgotten you, Harold, on Day 33!


...takes a lot of time and serious committment.   Oh sure,  "they" say that when you're retired and looking for something to do...volunteer! 

 Being out of a job, I've been doing my share of volunteering. The "pluses" are that I get some free clothing, occasionally a free meal, and some extra respectability from my peers.

The "minuses" are that I have to use my car to get to the place I'm volunteering, and there's no reimbursement for the cost of gas.  The hours can be erratic, sometimes nights, sometimes weekends.  I'm looked upon as someone who must have a lot of money and time on my hands, if I have the time to volunteer.

Truth of the matter is that I was aready volunteering when I was employed, just a bit less.   So my income is less and my volunteering is more.  Does any of this make sense, on this Day 32? 

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Someone's stealing my stuff...

Seriously, all my ideas are showing up somewhere else on the web.  I think I have an idea and when I start to look around, someone else has already said it, written about it, done it! 

I believe I read someplace that there are no new ideas, only rehashed ones.  If you watch some old Star Trek episodes, you could indeed make that argument.  Many innovations we now have are already in place on the Enterprise. 

Maybe what was meant is that the ideas come to fruition through research and experimentation, but the ideas themselves are as old as mankind.  Don't know what the cavemen thought but I know what I'm thinking on, and it's obviously not new on Day 31!

Age is catching up...OUCH!

They say you're only as old as you feel.  The majority of me feels like I'm in my 20s, but once in a while I feel like I'm in my hundreds!  Case in point...I gained a couple pounds since I lost my job.  I thought about walking SINCE the experts say that walking is good for you.  After a little research I read that faster walking, i.e. 3-4 miles an hour, is preferable. 

I went to the local recreation center where there is an indoor track, and you can measure your mileage  by the number of laps you do.  I timed myself and found I could keep up a 3.5 to 4 mph pace.  But I got greedy!

I used to jog when I was younger, actually much younger when I add up the years that have gone by!  So I decided to see if I could jog part of the laps.  It hurt a little, but I just attributed this to being stiff.

Did I mention I had knee surgery about 3 years ago?

After two weeks of this (although I did ease off on the jogging, as I thought that possible I had "done something"), I was in excruciating pain!  I'm now on very serious anti-inflammatories with a possibility of an injection to combat the osteoarthritis that I've been ignoring, or rather putting out of my mind, thinking that if I keep being active, it will go away.  Not so.   

In my mind I was as physically able as I was 20 or 30 or 40 years ago.  There are many things I can still do, but there are a few that I cannot, regardless of how I view them mentally.  Jogging is obviously one of them.

I could get knee replacements and that may help me relive some of my youth, but that's not on my horizon, if I can help it, this Day 30! 

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Your vote DOES count!

After the recent primary elections, there was a recount today for a local office, in our small town.  The winner unofficially won by 15 votes.   After the recount, the winner was officially declared by 14 votes. 

In this vein, think of the friends of either candidate. If only 15 for the winner stayed home, their candidate would not have won. The same rings true for the loser. If only 15 more people showed up at the polls, instead of staying home, that candidate would be the winner today.

You may look at this as just a local race in a small town, but multiply that by all the people who think their single vote won't count, especially in a presidential race.  Of course the totals are much bigger, and the margins are much bigger, but add it all up, and all of your votes might make the difference. Presidential races are lost by thousands, but when there are thousands of people out there who think their vote won't count...think again!

That's what I did on Day 29!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Gay Marriage...let's get on with it!

Oh for Pete's sake, it's on again, and then it's off again, in California.  I don't really care one way or the other, but the argument offered on today's radio show was over the top for me. The argument was that you need a heterosexual marriage for procreation to "happen."  Huh?  Since when?

Maybe that's the norm in California, but case in point-one of the most publicized pairings, with children, and not the "sanctity" of marriage is the Brangelina thing.   Many, many children are born outside marriage.   Or maybe the lawmakers aren't paying attention to the news.

I'm fairly certain that gay parents, do not raise gay children, unless the propensity is already there.  No more than straight parents can "straighten out" their gay child!  I'm a believer that it's predestined from birth.

The bottom line, with "married couples", in my opinion, is that they might offer a more cohesive upbringing.  There's likely to be two incomes, and an improved life; or one parent can stay at home, and take care of the children, while the other parent is working.  There's more intereaction.  There should be more LOVE, which is way up there on what kids need to grow and prosper. 

Let's worry more about getting rid of a welfare lifestyle, where kids are a meal ticket!  Those are my thoughts on Day 28!

Got it!

Writer's block!

Andy, you ever get this?  Guess that's why one must put down thoughts and ideas as they occur, and save them for days like this.

So that's it, for Day 27!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

...things guys do that women don't...

There are SO many, but there's one that just sticks out in my mind, and I cannot let another day go by without mentioning it!

The belly rub!

How many times do you see guys gleefully rubbing their bellies, usually distended from too much beer, or other spirits, but occasionally from too many calories.   They're downright proud they can't see their feet or tie their shoelaces any more.  Thank heavens for slip-ons, and velcro fasteners.

Unless a woman is pregnant, and rubbing her belly to ease some pain from a kicking infant, we just do NOT rub our bellies.   We spend most of every waking moment trying to keep our looks in check.   The thought of celebrating a sure sign of being overweight, by a belly rub and a smirk, is not in our psyche.

Andy, I'm sure this is not a topic you'll want to cover, this Day 26.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Everybody wants a piece of Andy Rooney!

I googled Andy's name yesterday, and there were quite a few commentaries about his commentaries.  One Google reference even went so far as to say that this person wrote about him in her own blog, and would be thrilled if he read it and responded.  She even called him a curmudgeon!  I did read her blog, and she's very articulate.    A former teacher.   I guess my mission is not the first one, but we can hope it's the successful one.

Speaking of googling a name, when I did this to Andy, I stopped after looking at 89 references.  There were supposedly more but these had the highest relevance, according to Google.  If I were to google my own name, I'd probably come up with one, or perhaps two references.  Well actually, I did, and there are six legitimate references.   There are some other Maryann Harters, totally unrelated.

I guess this would all indicate that the more famous a person is, the more people want to know or talk about them.   Or it could indicate that everyone's life is becoming more of an open book, and privacy is becoming a thing of the past.

Back to the matter at hand...if Andy is going to find this blog and read it, I'm going to have to find a way to make it jump to the top of the Google priority list.  I'm not advertising this blog, as I wanted it to just be between Andy and me.   If I keep this up for a solid yer, perhaps he'll find me!  Or one of his "people" will.  I only have 340 days to go, as this is already Day 25!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I want it NOW!

Instant gratification!  That's what!

I started an excercise routine.  When one is unemployed, and used to being in an active position, and then is thrown into inactivity, one can tend to get a bit lazy.  That "one" being me.  I'm not lazy so much as uninspired, by everyday chores, enough to get my mojo working.

My excercise routine is now just walking.  At least two miles a day; yesterday I did three.  And quickly.  I just read that a person should do about 3-4 miles an hour to actually burn calories.  I figure I'm doing about 3 and a half. 

Today I read that if you do a mile at approximately 4 miles an hour, you will burn about 350 calories.  And you need to burn 3500 for every pound you want to lose.  TOO SLOW!  I want to lose a pound a day walking!  I want to be like those people on "The Biggest Loser" who lose dozens, nay hundreds of pounds every week!   Oh, that may be an exaggeration...

But at this rate, the 20 pounds (more or less, probably less) that I want to lose,  will take me well into 2011!  My heavens, Christmas will have passed.  What will my New year's resolution be: Finish losing the weight?  Will I even get it off by the next "bathing suit" season?

Can you see why I want it NOW on Day 24?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Crabgrass is always greener!

It's true!  In the heat of summer, the crab grass grows and stays green.  So why does everyone hate it so?  It has nice broad leaves and takes up a lot of space when covering the ground.  More so than Kentucky bluegrass which is a COOL SEASON grass and wants to turn brown and dormant during the hot summer months.  AND has thin little leaves.  Visually crab grass looks more coarse, like a shag rug, whereas bluegrass looks more like a pile rug.  If you want the putting green look, then you can put in Bermuda grass.

I mention cool season and warm season since you DON'T HAVE TO WATER warm season grasses (as much.)  They'll stay green, and grow in the heat!  Or if they go somewhat dormant, they're still green and you don't have to cut the lawn as often.  So you save on water, you save on labor, youd don't use noxious chemicals and your grass is green.  Doesn't that seem to make the most sense? 

If not, then just run up your water bill, run down your mower, and run out the wildlife that's affected by the chemicals you put on your lawn to kill the crab grass.  Me, I'll look at a green lawn ala natural and be just as happy on this Day 23!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It's 98 degrees out...feels like 195 degrees out...SO WHAT!!!

That is a bit of an exaggeration but you know what I'm talking about.  Sure it's hot.  It's summertime.  I question the need to inform us of the heat index.  There's not much we can do about it!  Well, we could turn up the air-conditioning.  We could bathe ourselves in ice water.  We really can't take off too much clothing, at least not in public.  Or, as those pundits say "think cool thoughts!"  But I think adding the heat index to the weather report adds insult to injury.

In the wintertime we get the opposite reports.  It's gonna be 32 out but it'll feel like a hundren below zero with the wind chill.  We have a little more leeway in making ourselves comfortable.  We can put on more and more clothing.  We can turn up the furnace.  We can drink hot drinks, eat hot meals.  Or, again, we can "think warm thoughts!"  But what's the point?  Cold is cold.  We expect it in winter.

Just tell us what the weather is today, and what we can expect tomorrow, and however far into the future you feel comfortable reporting, and let it go at that.  We're adults.  We can figure out how to dress, how to act, and we will survive.   we don't need to know the "feels like" coefficient.

Take it from me, it was just plain hot on Day 22!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Courtesy...it's what's for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks...

Why oh why aren't people more courteous?  How hard is it to use your turn signal, hold the door open for someone else coming through the door  right after you, not double parking in a fire lane, use the handicapped spaces when you're not handicapped?  Recognize yourself?  Recognize your family members?   Where'd you all learn these behaviors?  If you're on the receiving end, instead of the giving end, are you mad?  Damn right you are!

Recently, while going to the supermarket, I saw a car-load of kids pile out of what was probably grandma's car.  I say grandma's car because there was a handicapped tag hanging from the mirror.  Was grandma in there, or driving?  Nope!  But these able-bodied, healthy appearing teens parked in the handicapped spot, and sauntered into the store.  

Why couldn't they park further away?   Obviously they weren't taught the concept of courtesy.  What if a truly handicapped person came by and there were no spaces left to park.  I'm sure that has happened.  But to find out someone was skirting the legality and being solidly discourteous, what can they do?  Park further away so they can inconvenience someone who is NOT handicapped?

On a side note, a friend of mine, who really needed and had one of those tags, got it ripped off while he was in the store, and had inadvertently left his window open.   He said he forgot and knew better; that people will take those tags if given a chance.  Another friend who had a similar experience said he had to chase some woman away who was reaching into his car for his tag!  Is there a monetary value to these tags that I'm not aware of?

But getting back to today's theme, bottom line is: be more courteous.  Give someone a hand.  Hold that door open.  Use that turn signal so the person behind you knows exactly where you're going and when.   FIND a parking space, don't make one!  Start first thing in the morning and you'll feel better from this day forward.

So I bid you all a good night on Day 21!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Vacation? Staycation? Andy, where are you???

Turned on CBS this evening and Andy wasn't there.  Maybe he's on vacation?  Or staycation?

Obviously everyone needs some time off, and summertime is the preferred time for many.  This habit probably is a holdover from when we all had kids, and that was the only time the family could go, as a group, anywhere.   I personally prefer October.  No big holidays, leaves are turning interesting colors, warm days and cool evenings.  Fewer vacationers on the road.

As everyone probably knows by now, staycation is a newly coined word for people who can't afford to go anywhere for their vacation, except perhaps the corner store, for an extra movie rental.  That too has become a thing of the past, with movies being delivered  by mail or directly over the computer.  Maybe staycation would be better defined as just not getting out of bed in the morning.

Any time off from work is usually  a welcome respite.  And I don't suspect Andy is reading this blog on his vacation.  He'd probably rather not think about work; probably rather spend a few extra minutes in bed, or in his pjs, sitting on the sun porch, reading the newspaper for no other reason than just the simple pleasure of reading.

Being unemployed could be a vacation, except for the lack of income.  This is more of a forced staycation, except for the job search.  But even job searches can be done from the quiet of your home, and in your pjs.  I'd really rather have a job and a planned vacation/staycation/time off from work.

That's the view from the sun porch this quiet, lazy Sunday, Day 20!


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Optimist or pessimist?

I was listening to a discussion on the radio this morning about optimists and pessimists.  The host of the show said that it might be better to be a pessimist because if anything went wrong, you could say "I knew it,"  or "I told you so."  Anything good that may happen, would only make their day better.   No disappointments.

An optimist, on the other hand, is supposedly devastated when something negative happens, since they're always looking for the rosy picture, the silver lining

I tried to identify my own feelings.  I think I'd rather be an optimist.  I'd rather look at all the good things going on around me than the negatives, of which there can be many.  I'd rather wake up with a smile, than wonder what was going to "ruin" my day.   It might be hard to go to sleep it nothing negative happened.  Then  you'd have to wonder what might occur while you were sleeping.  Therefore giving you insonia.

So Andy, just good thoughts and a good night's sleep on Day 19!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Rules of the road...

I can't see your front bumper!  I think you're following too close!
There was a horrible accident yesterday.  It involved two school buses, a truck and a semi.  There were 2 deaths.  A decided cause of the accident has not yet been reported.  The local news showed a re-creation of what may have transpired.

I cannot address this particular incident, but it appeared to me that the drivers were not following something I learned early in Driver's Ed.  You should leave a car length for every 10 miles per hour you are driving.  If you're going 40, then four car lengths, 50 equal five car lengths, 60 is six lengths, etc, etc. 

The area where the accident happened had a speed limit of 70.  That would indicate at least 7 car lengths if you're doing the speed limit.  I believe this was also a construction zone.  In the state of Missouri you can be heavily fined by going faster than the posted speed, which is obviously lower in a construction zone.  But regardless, remember if the speed limit is 50, then five lengths; 70, then seven lengths.  Should be plenty of stopping time, if brakes are in good working order. 

If I'm going down the road and I can't see your bumper, you're definitely too close.   Give us both a brake, and back off!  I'll do the speed limit.  If you want to get around me, wait until I'm in the right lane.  If I'm already in the right lane, go around!  But stay off my butt!

Written safely from home, on this 18th day!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Darwin should be turning in his grave

Oh you people know who I'm talking about.  And I do NOT mean those who might actually know who Darwin is.  I mean the people who have probably never heard of Darwin and keep doing stupid stuff.  Fortunately, or unfortunately, sometimes they don't live to tell everyone about their stupidity.  In the latter case, they won't be reproducing any more of their stupidity, thank heavens!

Two recent cases in mind.  First being the guy who did something called base-jumping which I guess is jumping off something, like a cliff, with a parachute.  You don't use the airplane to get you to a height to jump.  You jump off something that's high enough to get your parachute opened...hopefully.

This latest goof jumped off a cliff, purportedly as an homage to a friend who had just died doing the same thing, when his chute got stuck on the mountain side.  He was hanging by his parachute lines, and called 911 to get him down.  He was saved, but to what expense?

The second story is about a girl who got lost in some remote area, on her bicycle (?), and was hurt.  So did she dial 911?  Nope, she TWITTERED!  Her many "followers" called in from Chicago to LA to get her help.  Now how do you tell the 911 operator in Chicago, how, where, and why this dummy in the middle of nowhere needs help?  Does the operator hook up with the LA operator and try to triangulate where this injured person is? 

Every day seems to have a head-shaking moment, and this is only Day 17!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Global warming

What do you believe?  Real or not?  Truth or fiction?  Scientifically sound or hogwash?  And just what is hogwash anyway?

I only mention global warming because its been in the 100s these past few days.  That coupled with the weatherman talking about the heat index, or how hot it FEELS, makes me feel fortunate to have air-conditioning.  While most people think it's a necessity,  it hasn't always been that way.  And there are many people out there who still do NOT have it, or do not use it due to cost concerns.

Growing up, in the 50s myself, we lived in the city, where houses were close together.  Air flow seemed restricted in the gangways between houses.  We didn't complain, and we lived through it.   I didn't live in an air-conditioned house until about 1979.  I can remember Ben Stein saying his family "finally" got air-conditioning sometime in the early to mid 50s.  Sorry to hear he had to "suffer" until then. 

Is it truly, appreciably hotter, or does it just SEEM hotter, than it was 50 years ago.   Andy, are you keeping cool, on  Day 16?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Election Day...let's talk s**t

Sorry Andy, this is one topic that will not make the broadcast on Sunday evening.  I just couldn't resist talking about it, though.  And no, I'm NOT talking about the election.  That may be a story in itself.  I'm talking about vaguely useful drugs on TV, aging, and the propensity that older people seem to have talking about their bowel movements.  Specifically they like to talk about whether they have them or not, and to what regularity this happens.  

There has been an ad on TV recently, that is for a "colon cleanser."  The announcer goes so far as to say that if you don't have a daily bowel movement, you could be carrying up to (almost) 5 lbs. of fecal waste.  After two days this jumps to 10 lbs (give or take) and after 3 days, well, you're carrying a load equal to a small watermelon.   Scary, huh?  Gotta be damned uncomfortable!

Now let's digest this information a bit (pun intended.)  If the amount of food you eat gets digested properly, let's assume 90% would be absorbed.  That would leave 10% fecal waste.   Think about this.  To have 5 lbs of fecal matter in one day, you'd have to eat approximately 50 pounds of food, presumeably, the day before.  If you equate that to something you can relate to, think of 200 quarter pounders, less the bun and condiments.   I don't know about anyone here, but one quarter-pounder a day would be plenty.  Of course I'm not ruling out the obligatory french fries, and soda that I'd have to eat and drink along with this.   Hungry?

Colon cleanse...it's the right thing to do!  It'll give you something to talk about at the retirement home!  Make you sound like an information portal!

Sorry Andy, couldn't let this one go by, on Day 15!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Election time, yet again

Tomorrow (Tuesday) are the primary elections for various offices around the country, including my state, and my county.  They cannot be over soon enough.  I cannot believe everybody, with the exception of the candidates and their families, is not sick of politics and the name-calling. 

But I'm not talking about state politics, I'm talking county.  Local.  Good old boy versus good old boy. 

One candidate who is running, in a county where the biggest town has only 12,000 people, said he planned on spending about $50,000 to get elected.  What?  Is that really necessary?   I suppose I should think that this will help the local economy with some jobs, however temporary, but couldn't we just focus on the issues , and have some cheap debates, or such?  How does one spend that much money?  Signs?  T-shirts? Radio and TV ads?  Those really, really annoying phone calls?  And why can't they be put on a no-call list like other telemarketers?

Another character flaw is that our county is basically a one-party county.  When these people win the primary, they've won the contest.  And many of them run unapposed within their own party.  Democracy at it's best.

It'll all be over tomorrow, but today is still Day 14!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

I read newspapers too...

...but I too think it's getting to be a thing of the past.  With the advent of the Web, you could get your news quicker, but now with the advent of the new iPhone-type gadgets, you don't even have to carry your laptop with you. 

I read the local daily every day.  Some days have more in them than other days.  It's not a very thick daily.  And much of the news is from the southern half of the state, as opposed to just the "big city" I live near.  Sports reporting is geared towards high school, college and NASCAR.  

I started writing more since I became unemployed.  Thought perhaps I could then start calling myself an unemployed writer/author.  Sounds better than what I used to do.  That's not so important right now.  Right now I'm trying for THE job, as your replacement.  Hearing on tonight's broadcast that you write also, gave me renewed hope that my qualifications will match up!

Love your dialogue Andy, on Day 13!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Happy birthday to me

Egad,  it's that time again, and I cannot believe how many birthday greetings I got, except for Andy of course.  But now that he knows the day, I'll expect more next year!

Seriously, we all hate birthdays due to the stigma of "getting older" but we really appreciate, deep down inside, people remembering us.  And who ever wants to decline any gifts that may come our way?

One of my gifts was a gift card to a local chain eatery.  There's another eatery we frequent that also sends us cards for birthdays and our wedding anniversary, so for a few weekends every year, meals are almost free!  I'm beginning to think  that these gift cards are the way to go for ANY occasion. 

Excuse me while I go quietly burp, Andy, but it's been a good Day 12!

Friday and it's all good

Friday is one of those days, where if you're able, you take a few hours off early to start your weekend.  This is much easier if you have a fat job, like Andy's, or you're unemployed, like me.  But that being said, it's also a good day to start cruising in your favorite ride.

If memory serves me, Andy has a '65 Sunbeam Tiger which makes him smile.  Great little sports cars in their time, just not around any more.  I'm blessed with a slightly older Corvette, which makes me smile.

This is the time of year when there are a lot of car shows also.  You have to give credit to those people who take the older automobiles, and restore them to their former glory.   Back then cars all looked different, and you could name each and every model.   Today they all seem to look alike.

If you do a little research, it's amazing how far ahead of their time, various automobile designers and engineers were.  I believe disc brakes and seat belts were designed in the 40s.  They weren't used because it was thought they gave cars an image of being dangerous.  Nowadays you wouldn't buy a car without either item.  And seat belts are becoming mandatory to wear!  It was always a good idea. 

So Andy, top down and only good thoughts on Day 11!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hard to keep up

Andy, I don't know how you do it!

Of course I'm trying to find something to gripe about on a daily basis.  And life just isn't all bad, all the time.  Oh, the election advertising right now is annoying.  The price of gas has been critiqued for years now.  Being unemployed is certainly something to gripe about, but overall trying to find something to complain about on a daily basis is not that easy!

And Andy, you only have to do one commentary a week, and you probably get plenty of help with some of the research, writing and editing.  I'm on my own.  So Andrew, gonna give me some ideas, on Day 10?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Size matters...

I weigh about 5 pounds more now than I did in high school.  Yet I wear two dress sizes less than in high school.  I used to be a 12-14, and now I'm a solid 10.   Since as you get older, your weight seems to shift south, you would think that the size should go up, wouldn't you?

So how and when did this happen?

I can remember when there was a 5-7-9 Shop in Chicago.  Nowadays those sizes are almost considered "big."  There are now dress shops that supposedly handle dresses that are size "0".  How can that be? 
 We wonder why girls are obsessed with their size, and that girls who used to be "normal" are now almost considered to be "plus-size."    Marilyn Monroe supposedly wore a size 12.  What size would she wear today?  Did anyone think then that she was "fat?"

 If the trend keeps up, will we have dress sizes in negative numbers?   Obviously a ploy of the fashion world.   It's all smoke and mirrors.

Okay Andy, how do you measure up, on this Day 9?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

R.I.P. Daniel Schorr

Dan Schorr, a newscaster for longer than I've been alive, died recently.  He only rated a small blurb on the Internet, and a small space in the local paper.  I must admit, I've not looked to see how much magazine space his death commanded. 

He was on NPR (National Public Radio) until a few weeks ago.  He was not a newsman who retired years ago, and few of us remember him.  He was active until nearly the end.  I had recently wondered if I had missed his commentary on the radio, because I listen at different times during the day, only to hear he was hospitalized, and in fact passed away.

The reason this chaps me is because there was more space, on the Internet, devoted to Paris Hilton in a bathing suit.  Who cares???  What has she contributed to society in a positive way?  How has she enlightened us as to the ways of the world, except in a tawdry way.

Andy, what do you think about this, on Day 8? 

Monday, July 26, 2010


When I first heard about this, I was mad because I hate these hackers who are just out to cause havoc in someone's life, by getting their personal information and trying to profit by it.  Then I heard it was about the war in Afghanistan, etc.

Being from the Viet Nam era (I had friends who died there) any war news affects me deeply.  I have no one in this war, but I feel others' pain for lost loved ones.    The fact that we were mislead all during Viet Nam (although many of us doubted what we were hearing) is happening again. 

I was not against getting the people responsible for 911, but I was very much against the war in Iraq, and the fact that we forgot all about Afghanistan until, it seems, just last year.   All the money spent (and still being spent), the lives lost, and now the lies.  And we want the world to love us???

Andy, this has been a very disheartening Day 7!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

ADHD ruined my marriage...

On the internet where everything is true, factual and up-to-date, there was an article that said many adults have ADHD and that's the reason their marriages fail.  So, nowadays, who DOESN'T have ADHD?  Take that to be a sarcastic remark.

 I know there are some out there who are truly impaired by this disorder.  I'm not a doctor, but I don't think that every time someone cannot concentrate, hold a job or keep a relationship, they're ADHD.   It's becoming an excuse, which in my opinion, is controlled by too many drugs, and not enough discipline.  But let me get back to marriage and ADHD.

Puh-leez...maybe it's not working out because you got married too young, or you had an unwanted pregnancy on the way, or you've got too much debt and too little money, etc, etc, etc.   So you're not listening to your spouse  and finally the word divorce comes up, and you weren't paying attention to the warning signs, so it must be ADHD!!!

I'm not a marriage counselor so I'm not going to try to critique your marriage and tell you how to improve upon it.    But before you claim ADHA and get put on meds, try a more conventional approach to try to analyze what really went wrong!

And this is the end of Day 6!  

Faceless on Facebook...

I'm not sure I understand the concept of Facebook either. As the advertising says, it's a social networking site.  So I signed on and got an account.  I think I'm up to 8 friends.  I guess I'm still "faceless" as I read about people who have hundreds of Facebook friends.   Really?  Are you going to invite all them, and their friends to your wedding?  Are they real? 

Then there are the other sites which link to Facebook.  Farmville being one.  This is an interesting, albeit confusing for me, game on how to manage your farm, add animals, grow crops, build buildings, etc.   But what does this have to do with keeping in touch with friends?  I should say you can invite your friends to play.  And at certain levels there is an incentive by the game company to get you to pay money for certain opportunities.   Hmmm...

As for keeping in touch, I don't think I need to go to the computer to find out someone as just gone to work, or is thinking of reading a book, or taking a nap.  I could call them and they could tell me that.  But by putting it out there for all to see, you also invite people into your house who you don't want to be there.  I understand some people have included their addresses in their profiles, which encourages unscrupulous people to go by and rob them when they're obviousy not at home, because they put it on the web for the world to see!  Another hmmm...

I know I posted this a day late, but I started it on Day 5!

Friday, July 23, 2010

I don't text and I don't tweet

Nope, not at all.   I just don't feel the need to get all the latest updates at the very moment they happen.  I can turn the radio on in the car, turn the TV on at home, or turn my computer on to the internet.  Each and any of these tell me what I need to know.

 In a restaurant recently, I saw a young family with grandparents in attendance and, the father seemed to be preoccupied with his cell phone.  Especially when his wife took the kids to the bathroom.   I was wondering what the relationship was between him and his father-in-law.  It would annoy me to be seated at a table with someone who chose to ignore me for updates on their phone.

Let me clarify this by saying this was a Sunday afternoon, not a business day for most.  So what was he getting?  The latest sports scores?   There were TVs in this particular restaurant so he could have read the runner at the botton of the screen for most sporting event updates.

Now businesses are getting in on texting and tweeting to let you know about their latest "deals."  I don't really need to know if Kohl's has a great buy right now!  I shop when I need something, not just to spend money.  And there are so many sales out there, usually I can find a good deal, without prompting. 

So what do YOU think about this, Andy, on Day 4!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Still nothing...

...happened today.

I got a call from a prospective employer, or rather got two phone messages from a prospective employer.  That makes a grand total of 3 call backs since I became unemployed over 3 months ago, amid applications too numerous to keep count.  I had two interviews, but nothing came of them, unfortunately.  The third potential interview, today, I still have yet to talk to a human.

Also did not hear from Andy Rooney or CBS, as to when they want me to take over!  So again, nothing happened on Day 3!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Nothing new to report...

Oh wait...there were those annoying political ads that stretch the truth, or manipulate sound bites to make the opponent seem like the devil incarnate, and the candidate like the new Messiah.  Thank heavens the primaries are only a bit over two weeks away.  But then the real campaigning takes place.  When do they ever really WORK in government.  Seems all their waking moments are spent bashing the other party and working towards the next election whether it be a month, a year, or 4 years away. 

Whoops...looks like a diatribe, and I thought I had nothing going into Day 2!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Move over you curmudgeon!

You don't have the corner on the curmudgeon market, but you're the most well-known.  Some day you'll give up your post at CBS' 60 Minutes, and I'm here to take over.  In fact I'm available immediately since I'm currently unemployed.  I know in the past some of the female replacements on news programs have been blonde (think Leslie Stahl, Diane Sawyer).  I've got that covered.  I was born blonde, and have kept it up through the years.  Like you, I've never had plastic surgery (or at least I don't think you have) and no botox; however, I'm not opposed to either. 

They say when you lose a job, sometimes you have to reinvent yourself, to get ahead.  I'm ready.   Let's call this Day 1!