Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I'm not addicted to social networking...

...was the statement of a student who said he only checked his Facebook page between classes!  So what's addicted?  Checking it often DURING class?  I would assume so.

There's even a commercial on TV where a girl is shown breaking up with her boyfriend via a text message, and updating her Facebook page at the same time, while seated across from him at a table at an outdoor cafe.  It's a commercial for a cell phone company.

Do we really need to be in touch with everybody and everything on a minute-to-minute basis?  How do you sleep?  Oh, I forgot, some of these people sleep with their phones under their pillows.  How restful a night's sleep can that be if a friend has insomnia and thinks you should be awake too?

How much will insurance companies be paying for carpal tunel syndrome operations in a couple years?  If they were smart, the policies would add wording that says it's not covered if caused by texting.  They should start today...Day 53! 

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