Sunday, May 20, 2012

Buy patterned socks!

That's my new mantra!

I'm doing the laundry, and as usual, I'm coming up with a couple odd pair of socks.  You know, the kind that don't match, so the mate must have been turned into lint in the dryer screen.  I mean, what other explanation is there?

Earlier, as I took the socks out of the dryer, of course I had to pair them up, and, although this may be rote to some people, I finally  noticed how easy it was to pair up socks when they had a pattern.  No all- black, or all-navy, or all-brown again!  Give me a bit of color, or a small, unassuming pattern, and I'm all set.  Should make the missing sock easier to spot also, in case it got caught in the static electricity of a shirt that also went through the same spin cycle.

If you want to go overboard, you could buy colored socks, such as yellow, red, green, but then just one of each, otherwise you're still in the dilemma of matching up the correct reds, yellows, or greens.  But patterns are individual.

My money's now going towards patterned socks on Day 214!

I'm not a hoarder...

...but I could be, I think.

I hate to throw some things away.  A favorite shirt, a favorite pair of shoes, even some older underwear, even when they're in somewhat tattered condition.  I guess I think maybe they'll "repair themselves" when they're stuck away in the closet or a drawer.  Maybe I think i can get just one more wear out of them before they definitely have to go. 

I find myself keeping old newspaper clippings thinking that I may write an article to combat what I've read.  I cut coupons for a while, thinking that I'd use them, but I always left them at home when I went shopping.   I bought hard back books thinking that they were a better value than a paperback, or a trip to the library.  Mind you, I still buy an occasional hard back book, but then I donate it to the library so others might have a chance to read it, in case the library didn't see fit or ahve the money to buy it themselves.

I try to purge myself of some of these things on a yearly basis, when some piles just seem to get too high.  But it's two steps forward, and one step back.  It always seems  that as soon as you throw out a favorite "thing", that "thing" is needed in some way, shape or form, and you end up buying another, and swearing you'll never throw it away again!

I don't hoard old newspaper.  I don't hoard food; that I eat! Enough said there!  I can walk comfortably from room to room.  I don't have to "find" a place on the bed to sit, or sleep.  I'm not that addicted.  I cannot understand how that can happen, but I can understand some clutter.  Or at very least, I make allowances for those who keep things a bit past their prime, as long as it won't smell bad.

I could see my desk last week, but not so much today, so I guess that's my next area of concern.  Here's to yet another trip to the trash can, on Day 213!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Whatever happened to permanent press???

When permanent press was invented, I thought the age of the iron and ironing board was close at hand.  Finally, you could wash and wear your clothes, and never worry about slaving over a hot iron, trying to keep them from get "re-wrinkled" while repositioning them to make sure you got all the little corners of your collars, and cuffs.

Oh sure, if you didn't get the clothes out of the dryer on time, you might have to iron out wrinkles.  That being said, I did have a "boss" who put his clothes on directly from the dryer, but not right after they were dried; more like a week later.  I'd like to think that was the story, rather than he just dumped everything on his floor, and took whatever was needed to wear.  He was way beyond wrinkled.  He was absolutely disheveled.  But I digress.

Today's fashions seem to have spandex included in all of them.  So my pants, and blouses have a bit of stretch.  While I like this particular factor, when they come out of the dryer (on time) they still do not have that "finished" look.  They aren't wrinkled, in the old fashion sense, but they're not smooth or crisp either.    So tonight I took to ironing all the things I've not worn, as I thought they needed to look better, fresher.  Perhaps no one would notice any way if I wore them directly from the dryer, but it makes me feel better knowing I'm not "wrinkled." 

I used to iron a lot more things in my youth...sheets, pillowcases,  blouses, shirts, skirts, pants, never underwear.  I even made money ironing men's shirts, as that was almost a special skill.  Or maybe it was because it was such an awful chore, it was worth it for people to pay me to iron those shirts.  The bottom line of all this, is that I believe I even need a new iron!  After all, I did get mine almost 35 years ago. 

You may find me appliance shopping, on Day 212!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

"the most radical, leftist president in American history."

Gees...let's not mince words, Newt!  After all, you are the paragon of all things good, correct, and fair, aren't you?

The man never fails to amaze by his virtiolic words concerning people who seemingly stand in his way!  Now that he's officially out of the presidential race, he'll probably take back some of those things he said about Romney, because he needs some of Romney's money to pay for the costs of his failed run for the roses.

He did say this evening he is totally not interested in being a VP candidate.  Hmmph...and why not?  You'd be a cinch to run Romney's candidacy into the ground!  You'd have about as much negative influence, with voters with a brain,  as Sarah Palin did when she was teamed up with poor John McCain.    Cute does not win elections and you ain't cute!

There has got to be someting more interesting to read and write about than the presidential election, but not as of Day 211!