Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Censorship in school, yet again!

In today's local newspaper there was a Letter-to-the-Editor condoning censorship of books that some of the local grade school and/or high school teachers wanted their children to read.  I'm sorry, I didn't catch the grade and/or name of the book(s) to put those names here (which can be researched.)  You KNOW people are going to read ANY banned books!  Banning them just makes them more popular!

The Letter-to-the-Editor was written by a college professor!

The second half of the letter deplored the teaching of sex education in the classroom, when it referred to how one might get AIDS, and such things as oral sex.  Now, in this instance, I believe the students were 8th graders.  Since I was once in 8th grade, I'm pretty sure that the students already know, or think they know, as much or more than they're given credit for!  This is just the teachers setting the facts straight!
His children are home-schooled.  Wonder how much they WON'T know when they get to college!  Might be quite the shock!

To elaborate more on "banning books", let me say that this is not a new concept.  I grew up in the era of Hawaii by James Michener being banned in college!  Lady Chatterly's Lover, by D.H. Lawrence, was also banned.  Of course I read Hawaii, and could find nothing objectionable, except for perhaps descriptions of native women, but it was in an historical context, and not in a sexual context.  Hey folks, remember sneaking peeks at National Geographic???!!

As far as Lady Chatterly's Lover is concerned, by the time I finally found a copy to read, I was really baffled as to why that was banned.  Nothing that I can remember, was at all questionable.  Maybe I got the abridged version?  I do remember it was boring!

Oh, lest I forget, he also admonished the fact that "evolution" is being taught in school!  YIKES!!!  I guess all those anthropologists, and paleontologists are just of Day 51!

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