Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Obama is (not) a Christian...(part 1)

PUL-LEEZ...can we let this rest already?  The president of the United States shouldn't have to explain himself every time he turns around.  We didn't elect him due to his religious beliefs.  I could care less if he said he was an atheist!  I thought his "Christian" remarks, made about a week ago, should suffice, but NOOOOOO, people are still writing about what THEY perceive him to be.

SOOOOOOO, all you "real Christians" out there...how can you bad-mouth him in good conscience?  I thought as "Christians" you were taught to love one another, regardless of race, religion, etc. etc.  Oh wait, that's in the Constitution, or the Bill of Rights, or the Declaration of independence,or something like that.  Isn't it?   But those documents were written by mortal men.

If it's in the Bible, then the Bible must be wrong, right?  But that was supposedly written by IMmortal men...

...Day 55!

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