Monday, August 16, 2010

Gay Marriage...let's get on with it!

Oh for Pete's sake, it's on again, and then it's off again, in California.  I don't really care one way or the other, but the argument offered on today's radio show was over the top for me. The argument was that you need a heterosexual marriage for procreation to "happen."  Huh?  Since when?

Maybe that's the norm in California, but case in point-one of the most publicized pairings, with children, and not the "sanctity" of marriage is the Brangelina thing.   Many, many children are born outside marriage.   Or maybe the lawmakers aren't paying attention to the news.

I'm fairly certain that gay parents, do not raise gay children, unless the propensity is already there.  No more than straight parents can "straighten out" their gay child!  I'm a believer that it's predestined from birth.

The bottom line, with "married couples", in my opinion, is that they might offer a more cohesive upbringing.  There's likely to be two incomes, and an improved life; or one parent can stay at home, and take care of the children, while the other parent is working.  There's more intereaction.  There should be more LOVE, which is way up there on what kids need to grow and prosper. 

Let's worry more about getting rid of a welfare lifestyle, where kids are a meal ticket!  Those are my thoughts on Day 28!

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