Monday, August 2, 2010

Election time, yet again

Tomorrow (Tuesday) are the primary elections for various offices around the country, including my state, and my county.  They cannot be over soon enough.  I cannot believe everybody, with the exception of the candidates and their families, is not sick of politics and the name-calling. 

But I'm not talking about state politics, I'm talking county.  Local.  Good old boy versus good old boy. 

One candidate who is running, in a county where the biggest town has only 12,000 people, said he planned on spending about $50,000 to get elected.  What?  Is that really necessary?   I suppose I should think that this will help the local economy with some jobs, however temporary, but couldn't we just focus on the issues , and have some cheap debates, or such?  How does one spend that much money?  Signs?  T-shirts? Radio and TV ads?  Those really, really annoying phone calls?  And why can't they be put on a no-call list like other telemarketers?

Another character flaw is that our county is basically a one-party county.  When these people win the primary, they've won the contest.  And many of them run unapposed within their own party.  Democracy at it's best.

It'll all be over tomorrow, but today is still Day 14!

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