Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I find myself unable to come up with a catchy title to this post.  All I want to do is write about women, and complain about the way we're treated by others at times.  By others, I mean men!

In some countries women can't even go to school.  In some countries they're held accountable if they get raped, not the man.   In some countries abuse is tolerated and perhaps even condoned, to keep the woman "in her place." 

I have news for you fellows who think all the above is acceptable.  You seem to forget that if there were no women in the world, there would be no men either!   You would have no sons were it not for a woman.  You would not even exist were it not for a woman!

Keep us down, if that's your intent, but when we're all gone, you'll be alone with a bunch of other guys who cannot, will not, increase your ranks!    All the testosterone in the world will not make you a baby!

I'm not speaking for myself.  I'm speaking for all the other women, worldwide. We are necessary and needed, and not just for making babies.    Someday we will be appreciated for all we can do! 

Glad I'm not one of the wrongly oppressed, on Day 210!

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