Friday, October 28, 2011

Who's going to do the work?

The fruit will be rotting on the vine in the South.  That is according to the farmers who used to hire migrant workers, mostly from Mexico or South America, to pick it.   Some states are enacting tougher new immigration laws, and this has affected farmers and workers adversely.  I'm not going to jump in on the states, their laws, or other conflicts.  I'm not that well-read about them.

I will say though that I knew of a local family, who could probably trace their roots to before the civil war, on American soil, non-hispanic, who used to be migrant workers.  The parents have passed away, and the "kids" are now senior citizens, but they would talk about going out to California and working their way up or down the coast, picking fruit, vegetables, etc.   They never talked about how hard it may have been, just that it's the way they found themselves living in California for many years before moving back to the Ozarks, which was their primary home.   So it wasn't just Hispanics who worked as field hands.  

 Nowadays it would seem Hispanics are the only people who are willing to do those jobs.  But with these new laws, those people have disappeared from the fields.  One would think that with all the folks supposedly out of work, they could do the picking, right?  Are they showing up at the "Day-Hire" storefronts (or wherever one looks for such positions) or do they consider themselves too good for such work?

The younger generation, with strong backs, and little's a job for you!  Might not be fancy, but it's legitimate, and might be a stepping stone to something else.  It's also a paycheck!  Oh, you might not be able to keep your iPod plugged in, or text between tomatoes.  Is that a problem? 

What I do worry about is that their soft bodies won't stand up to the task, since it seems everyone spends too much time eating at a fast food chain, and not enough time walking, running, just playing outside.  I worry that if they get hurt, even in the most menial way, they will turn to worker's compensation and/or that ultimate...disability, and never have to do a reasonable day's work again, and we the taxpayers will pay, and pay, and pay.

Am I sounding too cynical?  Do I want to eat?  Would I prefer to eat American-grown food?  Would I prefer to help out my fellow American farmer by buying American?  You bet!   Like the bumper stickers say "If you enjoy eating, thank a farmer." 

If you don't want "foreign nationals" coming in to the country to harvest your food, then you'd better prepare to harvest it yourself!  And I'm not talking to the farmers here, I'm talking to the consumers, of which there are millions more.

Just my opinion, on Day 188!

I can fix the post office!

Okay, I lied.  But I think I have some viable sideas that they might take into consideration, since I am one of their customers, and the customer is always right!  Right?

First of all taking away Saturday delivery is a very bad idea.  Many people can only get to the post office on Saturday since they work Monday through Friday.   Saturday morning is one of those chore or errand days.  I say stop Monday delivery! 

Hear me out.  The P.O. could cut the workers' hours down to 37 a week, Tuesday through Friday, then Saturday until noon.  They would have Mondays off so they would still have a nice two-day weekend as the majority of us enjoy. 

Since most federal holidays fall on Mondays now, they would not get holiday pay as they already have the day off.  Of course they would get some unmoveable holidays off such as the 4th of July, Thanksgiving and Christmas, and get paid for those days. 

There would be a few exceptions as I'm sure the P.O. has people working overnight, and possibly weekends, but the ones we see every day, probably the majority of workers, would have a simple change in their work habits. 

Don't like it?  Then try the unemployment lines for a few weeks/months, or even years, as so many of us haved had to contend with, in these tough economic times.   Working at the P.O. used to be a job everyone wanted and tried out for.  If the current workers don't like the change, I'm sure there are plenty of people out of work who would be willing to take over.

If anyone's listening, that's my plan on Day 187!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Don't send Rick Perry back to Texas...

...because I like to vacation in Texas, and this man is one nutcase too many for that great state!

Actually I started this thought before the "debates" and it would appear he's digging a fine hole for himself, and unfortunately he'll probably have to crawl out of it to return to Texas.  More's the pity!

Praying (?) for my Texas brethren that they rid themselves of the likes ot Perry, this Day 186!

Spoiled/Not spoiled I ate a container of yogurt that has been sitting in my refrigerator, unattended, since August!  WAY past the expiration date!  I may die from this, but more likely I won't even get sick.  I wrote in an earlier blog that I thought expiration dates were bogus.  Obviously I practice what I preach.

If the "food" looks bad, smells, bad, then of course I won't eat it.  But that can happen when the product is "fresh" from the store!  I think I'm adult enough to rely on my senses to tell me if something probably should not be eaten.  The yogurt looked good and tasted better!

Still ignoring expiration dates on Day 185!

Wal Mart's at it again!

They're going to "cut costs" by not offering health insurance to part-time employees.  Since they prefer to hire part time employees, of course that's a substantial savings.  And oh, so employee-friendly too, NOT!!!

I worked with many older folks who worked just because Wal Mart DID offer health insurance.  I'm assuming that they won't be cut from the rolls (insurance rolls that is), but it could happen.  I don't know if this is an area you can be "grandfathered" in to.

Then I get an e-mail (blanket e-mail, I'm not on a first-name basis with these people) from the Motley Fools telling me what a good buy W-M stock is, as their profits are so good year in and year out. 

Hating W-M just a bit more today, tomorrow, and every other day including Day 184!


...title of an old John Lennon song.  Lots of people use that word and add something else to suit their purposes.  One of the most common, in this day and age  is "imagine world peace."  I was listening to a disk jockey who brought that up.

 He then said "imagine turn signals!"  Had to agree there!

Tired of trying to "imagine" what the driver in front of me is going to do... on Day 183!

Home sweet home... in Missouri.   But we just returned from a wonderful vacation in Eastern Pennsylvania.  The leaves really hadn't changed much yet, but the weather, the food, the folks we met, the places we went, the things we did, were all above average! 

We'll never move there.  We like it too much!  We really liked Missouri when we used to vacation here, for the fishing, etc.  Then we moved here, and 30 years later, have yet to fish!!!  So we're leaving Pennsylvania as a great place to visit!

Planning on next year's visit already...on Day 182!