Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Education used to be important!

Yessirree Bob, we went from an old nation under rule of the king, to a new nation free to choose whatever paths we wanted to go on.  We headed West, built homes, businesses, schools.  We even educated our women, unlike some foreign countries who still consider women second-class.

We got bigger, brighter, and then it would appear, we thought we knew it all!  But the internet, and computer masterminds in general changed all that.  We started to learn even more, but since we can only assimilate so much, and technology costs money, we started to decrease some basics in our lives.

We cut Driver's Ed.  Costs too much money.  So who's going to teach those little darling 16-year-olds how to drive safely?  Obviously no one, the way people run red lights, tailgate, don't understand the important of directional signals, and in general behave poorly behind the wheel.

Higher education is so costly, that many students either do not continue on, or they are left with crushing debt when they graduate.  For the most part, the really well-paying jobs require a higher education.  Perhaps we'll either export those jobs, or import people from overseas, with educations and no debt, to fill those positions.

The real reason behind this rant is that I was recently informed that "cursive writing" will no longer be taught in school.  Great!  So many students now cannot even read, and so why bother to teach them to write?  What's next, spelling?  Oh, that's already been addressed by the infernal "texting" that assumes what word you want to use in a sentence.  And if a verb is spelled correctly, but is used wrongly, who's to know?  Who's to care?  "Spell check" doesn't!

People  in other countries are dying to get an education, any education.  We're giving up on educating and education, as we have "more important" tasks at hand.  Updating our Facebook account, for example.

As for me, after I finish "proofreading" this blog, I'll think I'll go and read a book, before I write more on my other blog, on Day 144!

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