Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I'm a jealous person.

Or maybe just envious?    Webster's says jealous is defined as: very watchful in guarding or keeping; resentfully suspicious of rivals; envious.  Envy is defined as: having hatred or ill will; a feeling of discontent due to someone else's possessions, etc.  Hmmm, think I'll just use the term jealous, as hatred seems way too mean! 

I'm jealous of people who are thinner than me.
I'm jealous of people who are heavier than me and are not bothered by it.
I'm jealous of poor people, because they often seem happier than I think they should be.
I'm jealous of rich people, because I think they can buy happiness, even though we know better.
I'm jealous of black people because they experience things I will probably never know, i.e. prejudice.
I'm jealous of foreigners because they are usually bi-lingual; their language and mine.
I'm jealous of people who have the same car as me, only a different color. 
I'm jealous of people who have newer cars.
I'm jealous of people who have the same, but older cars.
I'm jealous of people who can throw together an outfit and look great at all times.
I'm jealous of people who don't care what they're wearing; they're just happy to be clothed.
I'm jealous of young people because I'm not.
I'm jealous of older people because they have more wisdom than me.
I'm jealous of people who never forget a name

And the list could go on forever.  I could find something about anyone or anything to be jealous about.  But life's too short to lose sleep over these petty jealousies.  Some of the above-mentioned items, I can rectify.  Some I'll never know.  Some I do not want to know, but at the end of the day, I'm still feeling pretty good about myself. 

 I wouldn't mind if  people were a little jealous of me, on Day 142!

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