Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Seriously, Sirius radio is for me!

I am hooked!  And I'm willing to pay!

This all happened when we rented a van for our vacation and it was equipped with Sirius radio.   Now I don't pay for cable TV, and I don't pay to tweet or text, but I believe I will pay for the glorious benefit of having jazz and not one but three channels, plus so many more channels of "my kind of listening" available to me while I'm on the road.    And, I don't have to search for a signal when we pass from one town to another, or state to state.

As for cable TV, we saw enough while staying in hotels, to know we don't want to waste the money to watch channels that seem to have nothing more than "Reality TV" available. 

As for texting, we saw enough people swerving all over the road, and sometimes in our path, while looking in their laps, so we can only assume they were "texting" even though it's illegal in most states.

As for twitter?  Who cares? I'll catch up watching the news on TV (and not CNN either!)

I know I'm gonna be listening to and forever after Day 191!

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