Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Who cares about Billy Long?

I mean really...

The FBI was in the area to investigate another blogger who has a negative blog running about Long.   I don't care enough to even waste more space, than this, about Billy Long.  In my view he got in because he spent a ton of money, and this is a mostly Republican area.  I didn't read the blog about him, but was it scary?  Did it really come across as a veiled threat? 

I'd rather the FBI looked into things like the kid who shot Gabriel Giffords.  He seemed to be a loose cannon.  Of course he didn't spend thousands of dollars, to let people know his viewpoints.  And I don't think anyone  blogged about him.  But there were accounts of people complaining about his unusual and threatening behavior.

Now I must admit, Billy Long did have scary behavior...ever been to one of his auctions?   Just my thoughts on Day 92!  

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